Chapter 42: Attention

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I needed somebody to bitch to, yet I was walking on my own as the sky began turning gloomy, and more people were wandering outside. Robert was the only reason I came out of the dark cave I called a room. As the spirit of Saturday night was growing mightier, I was making my way to the meetup with a shirt too thin to keep me warm and jeans too tight on my bum. At least my dark cave had some fluffy Pokemon-themed pajamas.

Things had settled down, it seemed. For the first time in a while, Taehyung was in peace. I yearned to use the opportunity for some privacy, even having ice-cream together, just the two of us, could have been enough. It was Robert who had different plans. Still, I dressed my best, came out earlier than necessary, and hurried to see him.

Said guy was leaning on one of the cafe's outer walls, holding up his phone like a mirror, adjusting his glasses and hair. Once he noticed me, he let his fangs fall messily onto his forehead and ran to me with a hug.

"Finally, Jesus! It's been like... forever! Seriously, if it hadn't been for school, I would have thought you were dead."

I had a fear of separating ways with Robert, scared he'd given up on calling because I was always busy with somebody else. But thankfully, the greeting was warm.

"I heard shit's been going down lately. I stayed in touch with Kim, though, we figured now's the chance to catch up, and maybe do something we'd always dreamed of," he said.

I smiled. "A double date... Robes, you have no idea how excited I was when Tae told me."

"You screamed, didn't you?" Robert teased, hitting my shoulder.

I gasped. "Me? Screaming...? A little bit, yeah."

"Glad to know my buddy's still the same."

A girl with shiny orbs was moving our direction, beaming brightly from ear to ear: Erica.

The two asked a worker to lead us towards a table for four as I remained behind them. Although my date was late, I was having fun bantering with the couple, who tried their best to make me laugh. I'd no longer envied or disliked Erica; she was a bubbly, friendly, and energetic girl, a nice person.

Then he came, Kim Taehyung.

I recognized the black leather pants I'd bought and the effort he'd put into his casual-seeming attire. It paid off. He was very handsome.

Robert and Erica kept talking while my eyes were following the man, who was navigating through the place, searching for where we stayed. He stood next to the pair, grinned at me, and let out a dry cough. "Apologies for the late arrival, love birds."

"Hey, Kim!" Robert shook his hand.

"You look great!" Erica got up to hug him.

I pulled Taehyung out of her grip. "Get away from my man!" The girl laughed and cooed at our kiss. I sat him down beside me. "I ordered you a strawberry milkshake, is that alright?" I asked, to which Taehyung nodded happily.

"It's adorable how well you know each other, how long has it been since you've met?" Erica asked, hugging her boyfriend's arm. "He hadn't told me much about it."

Taehyung and I exchanged looks, and my lover was holding in a chuckle. "Well... We'd known each other our entire childhood," I replied.

"And now you're dating? How romantic!"

Robert glanced away and clicked his tongue.

"Sorry if I get intrusive," she continued. "Even though Robert hasn't told me a lot about your relationship, I've heard tons about you as people, that's why I adore it this much... You're a hero, Kim, and I'm glad you have one another. I know from Robert how loyal Jungkook is as a friend. No doubt, it also makes him a great partner."

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