Chapter 23: Knight

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"If you get anywhere near him, or touch him, I'll fucking destroy you!" I yelled.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook called. I didn't hear him.

"If you hurt him, or try anything funny, I'll make sure you won't get up ever again! He's mine, you hear me?! Jeon Jungkook is mine!"

Jungkook grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me away from the waiter. "Jesus Christ, Taehyung! Are you insane?!"

"Wait, Jungkook, let me go!"

He dragged me out of the bathroom with a painful grip on my wrist, passed near our table to leave money, got our stuff, and led us out.

We stood outside the coffee shop. Jungkook took a deep breath. "I'll be honest with you, I'm fucking pissed," he said, "but I've promised today is about you, so I'm going to give you one chance to explain yourself, and it better be good. I'm aware your house is empty, so you'd like to calm me the fuck down before we move it there."

I lowered my head. "I'm sorry."

"Do you even know what you should be sorry for?" he asked. I looked aside. "Do you realize how big of a scene you made?! Everyone could hear it! You became violent! I had so much fun with you, I really did, and you let yourself ruin it because a guy was flirting with me? You're not even my boyfriend, and you speak as if you fucking own me!"

He was right. I had no idea what had gotten into me.

Jungkook pressed tongue against his inner cheek, turned his back to me, and began taking steps. The direction was familiar. That was my opportunity to talk, yet I had nothing to say, nothing would excuse a public assault in his mind.

I dropped on my knees; following him home didn't terrify me. It was the possibility of spoiling such a pleasant day that did. "Please, don't yell at me... I know my place, Jungkook, I would never..."

"Forget about your place, Taehyung, this is not a game anymore." He reached out his hand, signing me to take it and stand back up. "Don't act like my slave. Just explain yourself, please."

"I-it wasn't about jealousy," I began, "he was asking me intimate questions about you. He told me all the nasty things he was thinking about doing to you, and... I snapped, I couldn't hear him disrespecting you. I don't care about my pride, but I won't allow anyone to damage yours."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I love you, Jungkook, that's why I called you mine... I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable..." I told him.

Jungkook sighed. "You were trying to protect me? I can do a well enough job on my own, and you did make me uncomfortable, I'm not your toy. If you wish for me to treat you like a mature man, you must control yourself before we both get into trouble."

I bit my lip, unsure what to add as he continued walking.

"Please!" I finally called. "He said so many sick things about you... you have to understand me!"

"I'm not the damsel in distress," he said, "it's you. I can protect myself."

"You would have done it too!" I cried. "If somebody was harassing me and then blocked your way at a bathroom to ask if I can take two at once, would you let them be? Would you not care?!"

I had to pause. My words were but a dangerous assumption; I was playing with fire.

"W-would you?" I repeated. "What if it were Ro—"

"Of course, I would, it's not the same thing though," said Jungkook. "You're not supposed to defend me. It's my role."

It wasn't fair, yet it was understandable. I was the last person in front of which he wished to appear weak. The conversation seemed over.

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