Chapter 34: Trust

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Left leg. Right leg. Left leg. Right leg. We were a few streets apart, yet the way to Robert's house was taking close to an entirety. I looked at my cellphone, rereading the message again and again:

'Can we meet up? Maybe at my place?'

I wished for the time to pass faster. No, I craved to take my sweet time walking. I longed to talk to him anew, or did I? After all of the stupid words I'd uttered about him and Erica, nothing else could give me closure. However, after the events of the night before, I felt as though no task was worth completing.

But there I was, knocking on his door. And there we were, sitting on his bed.

We sat and stared, no man speaking, almost able to hear each other blink.

"Kook, I..."

"Robert, I..."

He exhaled, but I did not dare to breathe. "You go first," said Robert.

"What I told you the other day was horrible, and I didn't mean any of it. I'm sorry." My friend gave me a soft smile. "I just missed you, and the truth is... when you'd left me, that party did not go too well," I continued.

His grin faded. "I should have known better..." he said. "I never thought Erica was more important, not even for a second, and I apologize for making you feel I did."

"Apology accepted," I told him, beaming.

Less stiff now, Robert got up and began walking around the room. "Something's fishy," he declared. "Usually, if we sort that shit out, you start complaining about the early hour and how you want to have a gaming session in your room 'cuz mine stinks or something."

"Not today, though, don't get me wrong, it still does."

"Aha!" Robert called. "Spill. It. Out."

"Nothing interesting to spill," I said, "I'm only trying to avoid the old folks..."


I sighed. "My parents went to a business party and were supposed to be back late at night. I figured I could bring Taehyung to... do stuff..." I began. "The organizer ended up canceling it, they found out once already there, returned home early, and the rest... A mess."

"Oh, fuck..."Rober gasped. "That must have been so embarrassing."

"Don't add insult to injury!" I spoke and glared. "I know it fucking was, especially when my Mom fucking walked in on us!"

"My dude, I can't imagine... Welp. You can stay here. I'm sure you won't get into further trouble if it's with me," he said.

"I'd very much appreciate it... And I'm not scared of trouble, I'm an adult now. It's a matter of respect. Things went down between us, which I wish would have never happened."

"Looks like you need to get your mind off of things." He attempted to sound confident, yet took a deep, unstable breath. "You're right. You are an adult. How about going to a bar this evening?"

When Robert said 'a bar,' he meant alcohol. Robert and I had never tried alcohol.

"Come on! We must grow up!" he cried.

I bit my lip. "I don't know, man. I wouldn't mind giving the visit a shut, but I doubt I should drink."

Robert sat back down and exhaled. "Here's the thing," he said and glanced at me. "Erica would love me to spend a similar evening with her and her group. I'm sure you understand now what kind of people they are."

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