Chapter 33: Animals

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Jungkook let me inside his house only to push me onto the couch of his living room and get on top. Tracing my throat with his mouth, he pinned me down with a painful hold on my wrists. If I wanted to move, it'd be impossible. I didn't.

My body kept heating up as wet kisses were covering my skin. While listening to his heavy breaths, the need to gasp for air was growing more frequent. Jungkook bit my ear and allowed his lips to travel across my jawline, making their way down, then, he sank his teeth into my neck. Each time he touched me, the sensation turned harsher. With every pant I let out, his grip became tighter.

Jungkook stopped, pulled away, and only gazed at me: Gorgeous. The man's stunning face, however, wore a display of complete dismay when leaning in for a kiss. He bit my lip, made me suck on his tongue, and seemed to forget giving me a rest.

The messy, wet makeout turned slower and softer, numbness now leaving my palms before he paused again. "Tae... I don't wish to hurt you, and with all that shit in my brain, I feel like I might..." he panted. "But I want you so much..."

"Do it." I wrapped my legs around him and pulled closer. His hesitance-filled eyes remained connected to mine. "Take it out on me. Do as you please with me," I said. As if hypnotized, the man's orbs froze into an intense stare. "I beg you..."

Jungkook's gaze dropped, lips crawling into an alluring smirk. I didn't have to utter another plea.

A loud moan echoed through the room, his teeth clenched onto my flesh, and arms hugged my body, pressing it against himself as his palms caught the fabric of my clothes. Jungkook scoffed; without a doubt, he left a severe bruise.

"Let's have some fun then," he said and threw me over his shoulder, taking me to his bedroom.

I hit the mattress. Jungkook took off his shirt, hopped back on top, and started struggling with my belt, impatient. Hurriedly, he slid down my pants and underwear, gave a glance to the exposed areas, and lowered to my thighs. I bit into my finger while he was sucking on the sensitive skin, painting it with reddish marks. Once his mouth moved to my member, the finger began to bleed.

It was my failed attempt to keep the moans at bay.

I was switching between excitement and self-awareness, yet multiple groans were slipping through, the pleasure kept intensifying, and I closed my eyelids, melting into it. Suddenly, the sensation was gone. I opened them to the sight of Jungkook examining me, from head to toe, his powerful gaze still sending me chills.

"I prefer you naked." He took my hand away and began stripping me from the remains of my outfit. "You're not trying to censor those beautiful moans, are you? You were begging for me minutes ago, Taehyung. You can be shameless..." He tossed the fabrics aside and leaned into my ear. "And I fucking love that," he whispered.

Jungkook's voice made me shiver.

After one more peck, I watched him stand up to get the lube. Perfection, as I'd been told my entire life, could never be a reality.

My life was a lie.

"What's that?" Jungkook's sinister grin stayed unchanged. "Are you staring at my crotch, or do you really like my jeans?" he asked.

"Please take them off..."

Jungkook turned me around and pushed my face onto the bed. His hand began caressing my bottom with wet fingers, the other one pressing down my nape. "Can I?"

I could barely nod. One finger went in, he waited, and in a bit, added another. My muscles relaxed as I sensed light kisses on my spine, giving in to his touch, breaths turning unstable. While he clenched harder onto my nape, Jungkook's fingers began moving faster. Soon, I was grabbing the sheets, muffled moans creeping out of my lips, my body feeling as if on fire, and my mind clouding up by the intense pleasure.

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