Chapter 18: Happy Kookie

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"You're happy, too happy, quit that, you look like a dork."

Taehyung giggled. "There's not a limited amount of happiness in this world, so don't be greedy, you can be happy too!"

"Are you this confident because I've spoken to you? Stop trying to be... cute..." I said. "You know what would make me happy? You, on your knees, in front of me, naked, got it? Go ahead. Make me happy."

He obeyed well. Within minutes, Taehyung was lowered on his knees in front of my bed's side, pleasuring me.

I was petting his head, making him glace up with reddish cheeks. "What a surprise, you're actually doing very well..."

Taehyung closed his eyes as I was caressing his nape, enjoying the rare compliment, slowly getting more and more aroused. I had an urge to shut mine too, focus on his touch alone, but couldn't bear a second without gazing at the undressed figure between my legs. I didn't have enough of him yet.

"Let go." I picked Taehyung up, threw him onto the bed, and hopped on top. "You're so hard... It's painful to look..." I began placing kisses on his collarbones and chest. "You deserve my help now, don't you think?"

I pinned him to the mattress and pushed up to his body. He clenched onto the sheets. With each thrust, I watched him turn into a moaning, blushing mess, barely paying attention to the satisfying sensation in an attempt to reach his fangs and move them to behind his ears.

Uncovering his face was the revealing of a blessing.

While Taehyung was losing himself underneath me, I was busy appreciating every detail, mole after mole, following with the perfect proportions. An artist must have scalloped the man. I leaned in and pecked his neck. "Do you want more?" I whispered. "I want to give you more..."

Taehyung wrapped his arms and legs around me, pulling closer, and I fastened my pace, covering his skin with as many marks as I could. He resembled nothing less than a god. I had to have him moaning out my name with my hickeys all over.

"Jungkook... You're hurting me..." I kept biting in with no mercy. "Jungkook..."

I stopped.

Taehyung threw his head back. "You can... Continue..." I blinked at him, hesitant. "If you like it... just be a bit... more gentle..."

I was holding him, supporting his spine and nape as I attacked his neck anew. Though it was hard not to snap out of control, I tried to listen to his words and body.

Every single groan I earned was brilliant.

Once more lewd sounds were escaping his parted lips, I pinned him down by the wrists and began slamming harder, my touch growing harsher, and his whimpers, louder.

"More... I want to..."

None of us knew how long it had been since we'd started, but we didn't seem to get tired, it was as though time had stopped, we had to keep going. Our bodies gave up, at last, forcing us to lay still and rest, panting, nude and covered in sweat.

"Jungkook...? Did I make you happy...?"

Like he'd done multiple times already, the boy spent all his free hours after school and work, seeking to please me. And yet again, he'd proven himself successful.

"That cheesiness makes me want to vomit," I told him.

"Well," Taehyung scoffed, "at least I tried."

"You're smiling? Are you being weird, or are you mocking me?"

I led Taehyung to the front door. He was ready to walk out and away.

"Taehyung!" I called the second he stepped a little further from my house. "My parents will return home soon. Solutions? If you want any..."

"Yeah, I do." He scratched the back of his head, thinking. "My dad will stay at the hospital for a while, Mom's at work..." Taehyung mumbled.


"Next week, we should be able to go to my place. Goodbye!"

I closed the door. "Goodbye..."

There was a loud metal song playing in the coffee table's direction, making me jump, almost stumbling on my feet and falling over. Regaining my senses, I hurried to pick up the phone.

"Hello? Robert?!"

"Can we meet up?"

Immediately, I ran to my room to dress, lungs filling with excited tension. The sheets, as I glanced at them, remained dirty.

Jungkook? Did I make you happy? Taehyung's voice echoed within my head.

I was too lazy to change them, and, instead, raced out the front door, and rushed to the park.

Alone in the dark, Robert sat on the ground, waiting as he'd promised.

"Imagine loving someone desperately, being so close to them, yet knowing they'd never return those feelings... You won't be able to endure it, neither would I."

My eyes teared at the sight of him.

"Tell me what to do, and I'll do it, but please, I can't lose you," I pleaded.

"I'm going to repeat it until it gets through, so listen. You're not the bully he once was, and you're not breaking his bones, you harm him in bed, and you're breaking his heart. It'll break yours too, and I have no desire to watch it happen to my best friend," Robert said. "If you're still the same kid I grew up with, it'll eat you from inside, if it hasn't already."

"Your best friend...?"

"Stop crying. I'm here and am willing to talk to you, right?" Robert got up and brought me into a hug. "Now I know how depressed it all made you, and I swear, you'd kill a person, and still have me. I'll be standing by your side," he continued, "a shovel in hand as we bury the corpse, judging and telling you how shit of a person you are."

"I'd rather that than you disappearing from my life," I mumbled.

"Got it. Still, I'd hate to see you mistreat or talk shit about Kim," said Robert. "I see him as an ally after this, and you should too."


"Holy shit." He let me go. "You have no idea, do you?"

"About what?" I asked.

"Our bully deadass went behind your back to save our friendship and didn't mention anything about it?" Robert gasped. "I was sure you've changed since you fucked him after our fight, by force. If he hadn't talked to me, even if it were the most painful decision of my life, I would have abandoned you."

"He did what?!" I froze in place.

"Think about that the next time you have sex for your pathetic revenge, bet you'd be so confused. You'd just stand there with your sad sausage and regret every—"

I cut him off. "What if it's not about revenge anymore?"

Jungkook? Did I make you happy?

I returned home, dressed in my nightwear, and made my way to bed. The sheets still smelled like him. I cleaned everything up, and finally, lay down. I wasn't able to escape a lot of thoughts. I reached to my phone and stared at his number for a while, realizing I wouldn't rest until I'd do what I needed to.

'You made me happy, Taehyung. Thank you.'

Taehyung's P.O.V

Like an idiot, I stayed up all night, smiling at a screen.

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