Chapter 0.X: Have Its and the Have Nots

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"WHAT ARE YOU, RETARDED?!" my boss yelled in front of the customers again. They were all staring at us, shocked.

"Forgive me, sir. I'll clean this up right away." Trying to stay further from the older male, I hurried to get a map, my blood boiling, palms twitching with a strong desire to grab his throat and strangle.

I kept reminding myself: That was no place for attitude. I needed that job. I couldn't utter a single word in defense. Yet, I was used to the humiliation.

My shift had ended at last, and I rushed outside to meet the freezing wind. Though I couldn't stop shaking in the cold, the icy sensation on my tiny bits of exposed skin felt freeing. It was the opposite of the warm air inside the restaurant.

I reached my arms forward, raised them to the sky, and the thick fabric of my coat tightened around my armpits, not fitting well anymore. A wide smile appeared on my face; not only had I not lost weight, but I was also able to grow the body of a small man.

Step by step, I was taking my sweet time on the way home. What was waiting for me there, anyway? Was it watching Mom dragging our father's wheelchair while beating herself up for being unable to take his place, incapable of supporting the family financially? Was it seeing her struggle not to get her hands on alcohol again? Was it, perhaps, hearing my brother's stomach growl?

Father's most recent stroke took a toll on the household. He couldn't greet me when I was back, what little we could get from the government wasn't enough, and everyone depended on me.

It wasn't fair. I was only fifteen.

I missed my childhood, not having to walk alone in the dark, hanging out with friends, playing video games, mocking my little brother... I even missed that kid, Jungkook. He and Robert were fun to mess with.

"Wake up!" Dohyun took away my blanket the next morning.

"Five more minutes..."

"Wake up, Big brother! You'd be late!"

"Fine..." I groaned and reached a hand to mess up his hair. "Happy birthday. Your age is twice the digits now, feeling old yet?"

"Shut up, grandpa!"

I forced myself on my feet to start the morning routine. I had to stay up the entire night before for a chance to study since I didn't quite get the new material.

Although at school, the desk looked like the softest pillow, I wasn't allowed to fall asleep. Keeping up with the teacher was a nightmare. Getting food at the noisy cafeteria was worse.

Finally, I had a few moments to breathe. I found a place at the peaceful backyard, sat down on the ground, and listened to calming music on my old phone. The day had just begun, and even if I was already tired, there was still another shift of work after school. There's no way out of this cycle.

With half-closed eyes, I caught Robert passing by.

He was holding up his phone, talking to it, and I assumed he was having a video conversation with his friend overseas, Jungkook, again. Something to his appearance was new. "Hey, four-eyes! Nice glasses!" I shouted with a teasing grin, though never got up to harm him. He knew I wouldn't, but winced out of habit.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Hey, four-eyes! Nice glasses!"

My hands formed fists when I heard a student mocking Robert, having to watch his figure flinch. The student's voice sounded different, deeper, and nevertheless, I'd recognized it immediately. Hearing that voice made me as sick as always.

"Is that Kim Taehyung?" I asked.

"Yeah. You can ignore him."

"I can smell how shit of a person he still is through my fucking iPhone," I said.

Robert let out a small laugh. "iPhone? That's new."

"My parents got me a new device as a birthday gift," I bragged. "Now, enough about me. I think you look great with those! Don't listen to him, Robs, it's super cute."

My friend beamed. "Thank you, but I look more punchable now."

"And how are you holding on there? Do they keep...?" He nodded with a pout. "I'd never thought Taehyung would let us off the hook someday. Hasn't changed a bit, uh?"

Robert wasn't brave enough to glance at his screen, but he heard it in my tone: I was getting mad. He and my parents used to say I was adorable when angry, only recently had anyone dared to call me scary once pissed.

"K-kook..." Robert began. "Well, actually, he hasn't—"

"Fuck! I have school soon too. We overtalked. Bye!" I sprinted downstairs while putting on clothes, shouting, "please tell me breakfast's ready!"

I jumped over the couch, made my way to the dining room, and glanced at my mother, panting, my shirt in my hands.

"Breakfast's ready." She giggled and pinched my tummy's skin. "Are these abs?"

I quickly put the shirt on and sat to eat.

"Our baby is growing a six-pack," Dad teased as he joined to eat the delicious-smelling pancakes. "Soon, everyone is going to throw themselves at his feet, even the hottest of guys."

"Eww, gross," I said.

"Come on, Jungkookie, where's your dating life? You say you're gay, and you don't even look at other boys," I heard him.

"They're not my type, that's all," I told Dad. "I have high standards."

Mom ruffled my hair. "It's okay, sweetie, don't pressure the poor boy into a relationship, let him focus on his studies."

"I'm not saying he shouldn't. I simply think a lover would benefit his social life. All he does all day long is studying, and his only significant relationship with somebody his age is with Robert," said Dad. "We know he's going to need more leader-like skills in the future."

"Only he doesn't view any of his peers that way, you know the kid, and we remember our last attempt at matchmaking him, don't we? But imagine how cute it'd be if he had a boyfriend..."

I glared at the two. "Stop gossiping about me! I'm right here."

"Jungkookie, honey, do yourself a favor and keep your mouth busy with my tasty food while the grown-ups are talking," she hissed.

"The kid has to grow up. If he looks like a man, he should act like it." I rolled my eyes at Father's words and stared back down at the plate. A part of me agreed with him. I was too timid around others with no way or reason to fix it.

And I was never in a situation where a man could make me lose my mind.

Next chapter: "We Meet Again"

Also, the next chapter is chapter 1. The ride will begin tomorrow, and it'll be a hell of a ride too ;)

I read all comments and votes are highly appreciated. Thank you!

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