Chapter 31: Deceit

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung and I spent the rest of what was almost our lovely evening scrubbing toilets while doing nothing other than sharing flustered glances. When we could finally leave the bathrooms, I remained frozen in terror, watching my boyfriend bowing to our boss repeatedly with a red face. "We're so terribly sorry!" he said. "We weren't thinking, I promise it won't happen again!"

"I reckon since you didn't disturb the customers, for now, I'll let it slide," the elder replied in a calm tone.

"Thank you!" I cried.

"Although I did not expect it," he added. "Two men, especially young lads such as yourselves, doing inappropriate things at a public place? I'm a little surprised, disappointed even, yet, I love your relationship. Everything hits differently now..." Our boss flushed a golden smile. "Susan, my youngest, might not be as happy, I'm afraid. She fancies you, Mr. Kim, and I'll have a good laugh dropping that bomb if you don't mind."

We'd escaped the horrible fate of having to search for a different employer, but the embarrassment still stayed. Hurring outside and parting ways, I was praying to whoever would listen all the way home: Please turn this into a hilarious memory to share with my million future friends and not a trigger for a random cringe attack in the shower...

At last, I stood at my front door, disposed of my fancy outer layer of clothing, took out the keys, and walked in.

"He's back."

Before I had the chance to put away my shoes, my parents were standing in front of me, blocking the hallway with serious faces.

"Jungkookie, sweetie," my mother said, "we need to talk."

The interrogation had begun once the couple led me to the living room and sat me on the sofa, resting on the couch next to it. "We assume you didn't need the money for work," Dad started, crossing his legs, then signing his wife to put in her two cents.

"Your father and I are worried. You've been going out without telling us, and you always ask for financial aid despite, supposedly, having a job to which you go every day, including a few weekends. You realize that doesn't make much sense, don't you?"

"I'm not twelve, and I told you—"

"We know you're hiding something." The second my dad cut me off with an ice-cold voice, dead silence crept into the room, devouring the air. He alone dared to speak. "Are you still having relations with that poor boy?"

Mom opened her mouth, ready to break the quiet, but stopped herself when he lifted a hand. It had come to this... I alone was permitted to answer, and only because he knew my reply wouldn't be decent. And he waited, patient, eyes piercing through my chest. "Well..." Wrong move. I wasn't able to utter any more words.

"I can't believe it!" Father stood up. "My son will not be a predator, and I won't allow you—"

"LEAVE ME ALONE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Mom's wide eyes had caught my attention. I had to take a deep breath. "I'm not," I stated, "I promise."

She stepped between us, resting a warm hand on my shoulder while maintaining direct eye contact with her husband. "I believe you, Jungkookie. I don't see somebody capable of this when I look at you."

"Yet, according to him, he's messed up already."

I stuck my tongue to my inner cheek as my palms turned to fists. "Mom's right, it's not like me," I said. "Maybe that was why I'd exaggerated things when they became a bit..." I smirked. "...Overwhelming."

Dad bit his lip and sat back down. "We'll trust you as your parents," he finalized the conversation. "This is important. Do not let me down."

Getting out of another uncomfortable situation, drained out of energy, I craved nothing more than to get in my pajamas, and drive off to dreamland. I brushed my teeth, turned off the lights, and lay down. I couldn't fall asleep.

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