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Jungkook's P.O.V

I was panting, skin exposed, covered with sweat, chest hot from both my fast heartbeat and the warm body cuddling into it. "Of course, we'd be hooking up instead..." I laughed once we restored our breaths. "That's the one thing I wouldn't expect to change during our honeymoon."

"I'm so tired... but we've still got things to do, Kookie," Tae said. "We can't keep procrastinating when tomorrow's our last day here."

"Things?" I scoffed. "You mean the list we were supposed to be working on when you decided you'd rather start giving me a blow—"

"I get it. I get it. It's my fault." He groaned. "We should do it now, or we'll have to early in the morning, which we know you wouldn't want, so... Jungkook?"

My eyelids grew heavy, and I was too drained to respond. Finally, I fell asleep.

Darkness. I couldn't see a thing.

"Taehyung!" I ran, blind, through the neverending black. "Tae! Where are you?!"

Suddenly, the place lit up, and I saw my own shadow on the ground as the light grew brighter and brighter. It was coming from behind.

Vroom. A machine roared, and I turned around. It was my old car.

I threw myself away, avoided the deadly hit, and sighed in relief. I heard a scream.

"What the...?" The darkness returned as it continued driving away, yet I knew somebody got hurt and needed my help. I began crawling, touching the road in an attempt to feel where they were, and sensed something wet; the car had left a trail of blood.

I followed the trail and felt an arm, then a leg, a face... "Don't touch me!"

"Are you alive...? Robert?!"

"What the fuck?!" I sat up and held onto my head. I hadn't had a dream about him for years, not to mention a whole freaky nightmare.

I looked over at my husband, who was letting out peaceful snores while hugging my arm, pecked his cheek, and attempted to lay in place some more. But I was unable to return to dreamland.

I gave Tae a slight push, got up, and turned on the night-light. I took out a piece of paper, a pen, and laid back onto our hotel bed, allowing the adorable man to have something he could cuddle.

The next morning, Taehyung and I had our final shopping tour in Paris, and we hadn't made an organized list of people for whom we wished to buy souvenirs. I could take advantage of the situation and save him the hard work.

"So many people... I won't remember bringing these to half of them, will I?"

While writing in names, I kept thinking about the bizarre dream. It didn't bother me as much as it made me wonder: Should I do something about it?

Taehyung rolled around the bed, burying his face in the crook of my neck, and a tickling sensation spread across my skin. "What are you doing...?" he asked, then proceeded to leave a few more kisses.

"I'm a night owl. I prefer finishing it now than waking up later," I told him.

Taehyung yawned and reached for the tools in my hands. "Let me." He tried focusing on the letters. "Is it done?"

"Not yet," I replied.

"I've figured..." He pressed pen to paper. "You can rest now. I can fill it up just fine, and I won't sleep while my pillow is moving."

"You realize I often breathe, right?" I asked.

"And it was hard enough getting used to."

I held onto him, watching with my chin on his shoulder. Inhaling his scent made me more and more tired, yet my mind remained somewhat restless.

"You're not sleeping?" Taehyung glared.

"There's one last task I need completing," I explained.

"What?" I pointed at the page, and my husband rolled his eyes. "You don't trust my memory, I see." He handed it to me. "Did I prove you wrong?"

"Let me add a name," I said and ruffled his hair. "You did fantastically, though."

"Did I forget somebody?" Taehyung questioned, chewing on the pen.

"Can we add Robert, please?" I asked. "Something small and symbolic would suffice..."

"Kookie..." The man's expression softened. "Yes, we can," he answered and wrapped his arms around me. "You miss him, I get it, and sometimes I do too. There's no shame in tempting your luck again after all these years."

"I knew you'd understand." I pecked him. "Even if I fail, I promise it won't break me this time."

"I have no doubt you've grown even stronger, although you will need more paper," said Taehyung. "Call it an inner feeling."


My once best friend,

Taehyung and I are finally a newlywed couple, did you believe this would happen?

It took a few good years of dreaming for me to become the CEO of a successful company I've funded. You weren't wrong; with the right mindset and the care of my loved ones, I overcame my social anxiety so I could manage people and negotiate deals.

I'm aware you've offered Taehyung the money when earning the scholarship and have no idea why he refused it, or why you haven't been keeping in touch after graduation.

You shouldn't worry about him, however. Taehyung wants to be a teacher and has already begun working hard to get there. I'm proud, I'm sure he'd be great at it, and that's why I'm providing him with all the money he needs for his education.

My new father in law has gone a long way in recovery. He's now walking with the help of a cane, and his speech has improved a lot. I respect that man more than anyone else. And remember his psychotic wife? While her husband continued bettering his body, Mrs. Kim was dealing with her mental health. I admire her just as much.

As to my parents, they adore Tae. I stopped counting the number of nicknames Mom has come up with for my poor husband, and Dad loves drinking beer with him while discussing politics. Who would have thought one day they'd prefer him over me?

Little Dohyun is about to become an adult, although he's not ready. I've never met a teen who values childhood this much. He's also celebrating his first anniversary with an adorable girl he became friends with back in junior high soon. Taehyung and I had been shipping them for a couple of years, so it's a huge holiday for us as well.

I know this is boring, and I also know you'll read through all of it, anyway. I'm more than satisfied with my life, and I hope you are too.

Please. If it's not too much of a chore, send me something back.


Uncertain if for nothing, I added my contact information and put everything away. While my husband cuddled to my side in a deep slumber, reaching to somebody I cared about was a matter of stretching an arm. Knowing that allowed me to make myself comfortable underneath the blanket and feel the sleepness retaking over.

"I love you, Taehyung."

I read all comments and votes are highly appreciated. Thank you!

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