Chapter 39: The First Word

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I was turning into a moaning mess as Jungkook kept me pinned to the mattress, his swollen lips tracing my neck, making me arch my spine with watery eyes. "I'm close..." he moaned into my ear.

"Me too..."

Half an hour after we'd finished, I got out of his shower, handed back the towel, and scanned his bedroom's floor. "Where are you going?" he asked when I picked my clothes up. "You can stay here. My parents won't mind."

"My mom will." Putting pants on, I glanced at the clock. "Shit! I'm already dead!"

"Then stay here and cuddle me, I'm getting cold..."

"Sorry," I uttered with a chuckle, "but I need to leave."

Jungkook tossed away his blanket, got up, and gave his closet a determined look. "I'm going with you," he declared. I pushed him back onto the bed.

"You're half asleep," I said. "We've been doing it for god knows how many rounds, and you're exhausted. You look awful, stay in bed."

"I'm not the only one, and that's why I don't want you to walk alone in the dark." He yawned, insisting on returning to his feet, and now, successfully made a few steps to his desired destination, opening his wardrobe.

I closed it, picked Jungkook up, and threw him on the soft blanket again. "I'm not as tired, and I was laying still the whole time, mainly, because you fucking made me, while you were working your ass off. You're not going anywhere."

"That's not the issue! You'd be out there on your own and—"

"So will you on your way back," I told him. "When will you realize you're not the only one who's protective over his boyfriend?"

A pillow hit my face. "Bastard!" Jungkook cried. "Now I need you to cuddle me even more... Get out of my face!"

I bowed while laughing. "With pleasure." He hit me with another one.

I hurried home, unlocked the front door, and stepped in. For once, despite being aware I was absent, Mother wasn't worried enough to stay awake. Both her and Doh were fast asleep— the only other residents left home.

Consulting with the hospital staff and researching the matter had led us to believe the best course of action for Dad would be sending him to care. There, he'd get medicine, physiotherapy, and each basic need met.

A week had passed since then, and the day on which the workers promised to update us, had arrived. However, the only person they could deliver these updates to was the snoring woman, on the opposite side of the apartment.

I couldn't get a proper rest without hearing about Father's well being, and thus, in the middle of the night, I entered Mom's room and attempted to wake her up.

"Leave me alone..."

Impatient, I continued tilting her body. "Have they contacted you?"

"Let me sleep..." she mumbled.

"Please answer," I said.

"They did... Nothing urgent. We'll talk tomorrow. Now get out...!"

Finally, I sensed my eyelids giving up. I remembered climbing underneath the sheets, but that was it, not even how I let them shut.

"Wake up, Taehyung! Rise and shine!" My mother's voice was what I'd recalled next.

"Leave me alone..."

"You'll be late for school," she said.

Within a second, her words caused me to jump up. "Crap!"

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