Chapter 11: Kook's Secret Guest

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Jungkook's P.O.V

My eyes opened the morning after, and I got out of my parents' room, hurrying into mine. Robert lay on my bed, wearing my pajamas, looking at the ceiling blankly, half-awake. I sat down on the floor beside it.

"How are you feeling?"

His back turned to me as he answered, "like dying."

"Don't be upset because of a dumb girl. It's bros before hoes, remember?" I began tilting his body playfully. "Come on! You have me, cheer up!"

"Do you have boobs?" he groaned.


He kicked me away. "You're not good enough..."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "See? You are getting better!" I said. "Great, nobody worths this, Robs, it doesn't matter what they have between their legs."

He finally faced me, still wrapped in my blanket. "I guess you might be right..."

"It's nothing new, and you'll always have the chance to listen to my brilliant advice," I told him. "I'll always be there for you, you lucky bastard."

Robert smiled. "I know."

Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw the time.

"Except for right now, get up!"

I seized the blanket with enough force for Robert to fall onto the floor.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" he yelled, standing up. "Do you want me to break a few bones too?"

I threw his clothes at him. "Get dressed, now, or I'll start taking these pajamas off myself!"

Anxious, I was waiting at the other side of the door, wishing he'd get ready and leave faster.

"Do I dare ask why the sudden rush?" I heard him.

"I have a guest at eleven, and the house has to be empty," I explained.

"First of all, that's like, what? Three hours from now?" he said.

"I need to get ready..."

"Second, that's the most suspicious thing I've heard in my life." At last, Robert came out of the room. "Did you call a prostitute?"

"Yes, so get the fuck out before he arrives!"

I began dragging him to the front door, on the verge of hyperventilating. "If it were true, you'd lie," Robert stated, laughing. "Are you sure you don't want me to help with your secret date?"

"If you did, it wouldn't be a secret," I said, pushed him out, and locked the door.

Giving up my first ever intimate experience with a man felt as insane as it sounded. Even harder to believe was how I was rechecking the clock every few minutes. How visions of what was about to happen continued flashing through my mind. Or how I raced to the front door the second I heard anything close to knocking.

I pulled it open so quickly at the sight of him I had to make sure the handle hadn't torn off. Taehyung bowed, took off his shoes at the doorway, and waited for permission to come further in.

"You've got some manners, what a surprise..." I mumbled. My eyes had to look him over, traveling against my will from his face, to his broad shoulders, to his slim waist, and down. Head to toe. And when he could take a few steps forward, front to back. I bit my lip. "You should get used to this place. You're going to visit it a lot now," I told him.

Not allowing my guest to wander around the living room for long, I instead pushed him onto the sofa, hopped on top, and held him down by the wrists. The boy displayed tiny glimpses of surprise, panic, and shock.

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