Chapter 4: Onslaught

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Thanks to Jungkook, I'd earned enough tips to share my good mood with Dohyun and, before getting home, buy him a few chocolate chip cookies. When I'd arrived there, however, it wasn't my brother who'd greeted me.

"How was your day at work?" Mom asked. My eyes continued searching around for the kid. "Taehyung?"

"Fine. Yours?" I replied before adding, "where's Dohyun?"

A slight grin appeared on her face. "It was alright... And he's in his room, why?"

I abandoned her and sprinted towards it. Something felt off. I just knew it; something was wrong.

"Hey, little bro..." I entered through the door. The sight of him sitting on his bed, hugging his knees, and the sound of weak sobs, made me drop everything and run up to him.

I wrapped my arms around the boy, pressed him against my chest, and held tightly while praying the weeping would stop. Doh snuggled into my shirt, letting out soft cries.

"What happened?" He gazed up with a face full of tears in response, a bit of red and purple around his eye, along with bruised lips. "Who did this to you?!"

Dohyun remained still. His head was tilted in an uncomfortable position, letting me examine his looks for a few more seconds, then burying it back in my shoulder. "A few boys at school... they beat me up." He sniffed. "Brother... that was my first day in junior high, remember? I was so excited, and now I'm so scared..."

I tightened the grip. "Who?"

"I don't even know their names..."

I greeted my teeth in an effort not to swear. My baby brother had done nothing wrong, and they'd already targeted him.

When Doh relocked eyes with me, he was no longer crying. "But I remember their faces," he stretched.

A sudden rush began circulating through my veins: My brother deserved justice. "I'll go with you tomorrow, alright? You won't mind that, right?"

Dohyun shook his head. "No. I won't."

The brown bag of cookies still lay near Doh's room's door. I picked it up, widened my lips as much as I could, and handed it to him. "Here you go. I'm sure it'll make you feel better." He shoved a hand in, pulled it out, and licked the chocolate stains off his fingers. "Your favorite, correct?"

He jumped on me with a hug. "You're the best brother in the world!"

"We still need to treat your wounds..."

Early in the following morning, I forced myself out of bed. Mom had no idea what was going on, Dohyun asked me to keep her in the dark, and we planned to leave before she'd wake up.

I stared at the mirror in the bathroom and sighed, still half asleep, listing the things I needed to do through my brain before taking a cold shower, preparing a meal for two, and entering Doh's room.

"Get up."

When we were finally ready to go, I used all of the little energy I had to think of an excuse for the early leave and stack a note on the fridge for our mother. She could get worried or ask questions.

The entire way, while holding onto my brother's hand with an eye out for any potential threat he could stumble across, I tried to cool down the rage building up within. Once arriving at the middle school's gates, we waited. Kids began showing up. We kept waiting. We waited until a group of three boys got out of a car, and some more for it to drive off. Doh pointed their way.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked with big, doe eyes.

"Not much... Just go inside, I'll deal with them on my own, and they won't bother you again, okay?" I said. Without demanding any more explanations, he hurried away.

The three were equally young, little children, yet I couldn't help viewing them as monsters. I frightened and threatened them, letting them know why I was there and who they were facing, Dohyun's older brother, Kim Taehyung. I raised my voice, almost made them cry, and, still, kept their age in mind. Although furious, I'd inflicted no physical injuries.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Damn, she's gorgeous..."

Robert was staring at his crush's behind while everybody was waiting for our teacher. The girl was chatting with friends in front of us, her butt almost shoved in our faces.

"Stop checking her out so publicly! It's gross," I said and took away his glasses.

"Give my eyes back!"

"Mrs. Levi will be here in a moment, and you should concentrate on something other than miss 'Booty.' You don't hear me talking about some guy's ass, do you?" I asked.

Once the teacher arrived, Robert snapped his glasses from my hand and put them on to glare. "For the record, I was looking at her hair, and there's nothing gross about that."

The lesson had started, she instructed us to revise some material from the previous year, and after a while, the classroom's door opened once more. Taehyung busted in, accompanied by heavy panting.

"You're late," Mrs. Levi pointed out the obvious, wrinkling her aged face. "Did something happen?"

Taehyung was trying to reply through his loud breathing.

"He should quiet it down," I whispered to Robert. "It's annoying."

"You weren't late for any of my lessons last year, dear, and this is only the second day..." the teacher added. "I'd like an explanation."

"I'm surprised she's surprised," I mumbled again.

"It- It's something... personal..." he attempted to answer.

She signaled he was good to go and hurried to resume the lesson. Taehyung sat down at his place, and although the class had returned to the subject, I couldn't listen to anything other than him trying to restore his breath.

"Can you hear that?" I murmured.

"Hear what?" asked Robert.

"Can he just... Stop breathing?"

My friend held in a chuckle. "The very fact that he's alive triggers you, I love it."

Minutes had passed, and though, at last, I was able to get back to our teacher's lecture, I lay my head on the desk instead, letting out a long sigh. "Now I miss it, hearing a guy whimpering is better than this useless nonsense..."

Robert raised an eyebrow. "Did you just make a sexual joke about Kim Taehyung?"

"No..." I said. He raised the other. "I'm bored and sleepy. I don't know what I'm talking about..."

"Did you stay up to play video games or watch porn?" he mocked.

"Funny. Not the latter..."

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