Chapter 13: Warmer

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Two courses left out of three, will Jungkook be there?

My phone began to ring while dressing, and I picked it up only to hear shouting. "Kim, get your ass to the restaurant! I need you to fill in!"

Murderess was the best description of what I felt. "I don't appreciate the way you speak to me. We've been over this, no, the answer is still no," I said.

"I wasn't asking nicely because this isn't a request. Come here, right now, or else!" my boss's son yelled.

"I have school. Leave me alone."

"Alright, no problem," he concluded, "I'll tell the old man about this attitude of yours. You can say goodbye to this job for all I care."

"Kiss my ass."

That day I was going to attend the course no matter what.

I hung up, went to make myself breakfast, and on the way to the kitchen, passed by my mother trying to make sense of a bunch of documents.

"Wait, Taehyung, don't!" I grabbed them in an attempt to read. Those were our bills.

Half an hour later, I was in the school's bathroom, staring at a mirror, thinking: What have I done?

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Is he crying?" I heard Robert while taking things out of my locker, facing him with a questioning look. "Kim just walked into the boys' restroom with tears."

"Why do you care? You hate him."

"I do, otherwise I'd be running there to comfort the guy," he agreed, "though, in his case, shit might be serious."

"Well..." I gulped, handing Robert my workbooks. "If I need to pee, his pathetic sobs won't stop me."

Taehyung was indeed inside the bathroom when I hurried in, distressed, trying to calm down. I stood by the sink to wash my hands. He stayed near me, gazing at his reflection blankly.

"Do you want me to move...?"

"Taehyung..." I was about to say something, maybe even something helpful. "...Meet me at my place. Three PM should be fine."

The boy glanced at me with glossy eyes, then turned to leave. "As you wish..."

"Taehyung!" I called. "Show up only if you want to."


The time had come, he did not. I waited a few more minutes, and he wasn't there. My body was stiff under the intense anticipation, yet I couldn't hear his knocking or see him through the window. Half an hour later, I backed away from the thick glass, went downstairs, made myself comfortable on the couch, and turned on the television. Mild fatigue began to take over.

I couldn't get the only two sexual encounters we'd had out of my head, nor to believe those amazing experiences were going to be our last. It wasn't enough.

Knock knock. I jumped up immediately and sprinted to the front door.

I'd almost made a mistake, the deal's purpose was giving myself control, and I'd almost let the power re-shift, on the verge of breaking it out of pity. But I wasn't going to trip again. The point of that agreement was to make Taehyung pleasure me.

"Took you long enough..." I said, staring him up and down. Taehyung lowered his head. "You know what happens next, right?"

"I do," he replied. "I'm yours to command."


Taehyung's P.O.V

In seconds, I'd found myself pressed against a wall. One of Jungkook's hands sneaked underneath my clothes and grabbed my waist, the other holding onto my nape as he was covering my neck with kisses. Though, he did not allow me to melt into the embrace for more than a couple of minutes. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and took me to his room.

I had arrived at Jeon Jungkook's house for one reason alone: To cry.

Once I'd returned home after work, I spotted shards of broken glass near our doorframe. One of them had the logo of an alcoholic drink. When I called my mother, Dohyun was sobbing on the other side of the line.

I didn't have the strength to walk in. I needed an escape.

Despite the need to, my body could no longer do the trick; tears would not come out.

Jungkook pushed my face onto his bed's side, causing my knees to hit the floor, holding me down while trying to strip me out of my clothes. The rush got the best of him, he'd failed, gave up, lifted me, threw me onto the mattress, got on top, and pinned me down by the wrists.

He placed a few more pecks on my neck before sucking on the sensitive area, leaving me unable to control my moans as the sensation took over my body, but not over my mind. The darkest corners within it were sending out reminders of reality, and each one left me weak and tired.

I stopped drowning in thought with a wave of cold air. Before I knew it, I had nothing more than underwear on, which Jungkook was already sliding down. He kept tracing my skin with light kisses while taking off his pants, then sinking in his teeth, staining it with bites and bruises everywhere he went.

From that moment forward, I craved nothing other than pain.

Prepping me with lube was the kindest thing he did, and from then on, any bit of care had gone downhill. There were no caressing, hugging, and of course, no kissing.

Jungkook spread my legs, fingertips clenching my thighs, and began pushing in, wrapping them around his waist to thrust harder. He did not mind that my body was still sore and sensitive from the previous time.

I understood that man had made my harm his pleasure the moment he figured out how to hurt me. "More... Please..." I kept reminding myself; Jungkook cared about nothing more. I just had to think about his harshening touch a little longer.

And it worked.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung's shut eyes began watering, a combination of moans and whimpers left his parted lips, and his nails dug into my back. He was a mess.

I wiped the tears away and was unable to quit examining his features. The idea of being gentle became a crime, especially with the power to do the opposite in my hands.

I created fresh marks on his flesh, and like an artist reviewing his new masterpiece, had to take a moment to admire the hard-to-cover reminder of what he'd given in to.

I turned him around to slam in harder, and he kept squeezing the sheets until his palms lost color, letting out broken moans and gasping for air when I didn't allow him to rest. I stayed aware that my obsession with his body was unhealthy, it provided me an urge to torture, yet lust outgrew that guilt.

When I hit one spot, his entire body twisted and shivered. It was the first time I'd ever found a guy's prostate, and I couldn't resist hitting it more. Taehyung's groans grew louder, and his reaction, somehow, unbelievably, more beautiful.

"Are you close...?" Lost and embarrassed, with blushing cheeks replacing the drops of salty liquid, Taehyung gave me a weak nod.

I fastened my pace until he came. Shortly, I did too.

At last, I let Taehyung be. He lay down silently, too exhausted to move, barely daring to restore his breath as I was staring at him, just as tired. I'd cleared my mind enough to realize, Taehyung had shown up expecting pain and mistreatment only to be near me.

His foolishness was mind-boggling, all for a petty crush. Was I in a place to complain? I hoped for this from the very beginning... But why would he?

"Taehyung..." I said, still panting. "You did well..."

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