Chapter 17: A Quest for My Guardian Angel

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I woke up to adorable snores and glanced towards the man next to me, Jeon Jungkook. The cute-looking angel was hugging me in his sleep, eyes closed in peace, cheeks matching the color of his pink lips, which stayed parted to reveal bunny-like teeth. "Still a baby, aren't you?" I giggled.

Unfortunately, I couldn't gaze at the sleeping beauty for too long.

I gave his body a gentle shake. "Jungkook?"

"Wha... What time is it? I didn't hear the alarm clock..."

"It's early," I said. "I need to head home and get ready for school." Same as him, I was dirty and naked. "May I use your shower, please?"

"Yeah," he groaned, "let me sleep..."

A couple of hours later, I entered my kitchen, fully dressed, and well-rested.

The cheerful spirit I'd managed to maintain died at once. My mother and I were there together.

"Where have you been?"

"It's none of your business," I replied before ruffling my brother's hair, who'd arrived at the room when the conversation started.

"None of my business? I don't remember giving you any permission to stay out," she said. "Where did you spend the night?"

"And I remember you promising not to drink, guess the bad memory is genetic." I handed Doh a toast. "So tell me, Mother, did you get wasted tonight too? Did you hit your son again?"

All color had escaped her face.

"Why did you hit him, uh? Is it because he spilled your drinks? Oh, wait, no, it was me," I said. "Why don't you hit me then? Is it because I'm a grown man, are you scared, am I not weak enough? What, next time you're drunk and mad, are you going to hit your disabled husband as well?"

Dohyun stared at me in shock. "Big brother, I think that'll be enough."

"I'm sorry..."

"Great, then keep your head down and leave me alone," I told her.

According to Doh, nothing else had happened after the incident. She was acting more like herself, and as much as it made me glad, I couldn't congratulate her. She needed to feel guilty and stop asking questions.

And the kid understood I was trying to shut our mother up.

Jungkook's P.O.V

My mind was at peace when I woke up and completed my morning routine, and by the time I'd attended my first couple of lessons, I did not think about the fight with Robert at all. Only once making my way to our favorite spot, at the big break, and seeing him turning the opposite direction, it occurred to me. I didn't yet solve the problem.

I had to sit by the tree with nobody by my side, no soul to talk to, without my best friend, alone. No doubt, Robert, too, stayed overlooked on the other side of our school, agreeing to anything if it included avoiding me.

I leaned onto the stem, stared at the sky, and started convincing myself: I don't care, I don't care.

"Hi." Taehyung sat down next to me, following his greeting up with a deep breath. "Mind a chat?"

"Does it look like I have anything better to do?"

"My point exactly... So, what's your favorite book genre?" he asked.

One question after another, and within minutes, we'd already begun gossiping about our mutual all-time favorite franchise, telling jokes, cackling, and talking some more.

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