Chapter 30: Eager

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Jungkook P.O.V

Holding onto the front door's handle and taking deep breaths, I didn't wish to go to school, nor was I able to face my peers. "What's wrong, sweetie? Did you forget your lunch?" my mom asked when she passed by. My eyes started to water.

"Not a big deal."

I finally pushed the door open and walked out. The sun was bright enough to blind me, yet, the light didn't feel warm. Taking steps towards the school with my head hanging low, I was watching my pitiful feet as my mind was filling up with dark thoughts.

"Jungkook?" I stumbled into something. It was a familiar voice. "I came to see you. I hope you wouldn't mind if we walk together." Taehyung's face was enough to make my dramatic brain start working. "How are you?"

"I told you I was fine," I muttered in response.

He was moving forward while I was staring at his back, holding my hand, preferring not to give me any more questions. We entered the empty classroom and, alone, sat down at mine and Robert's desk.

"Thank you for yesterday," I said, quiet. "It could have been much more awful if it weren't for you."

Taehyung let out a flustered chuckle. "I'd always—"

"Hey, Kook!" Robert busted through the door. "Kook!" he called again.


"Did you leave the party early? I didn't find you anywhere," he said.

Surprised he'd even been at all searching for me, I refused to utter too many truthful words. "Forget it. It's nothing."

He turned to Taehyung, now much more concerned. "Is it?"

"Just got bored and left," I told him. "It wasn't that exciting. How did it go for you?"

Robert smiled. "Amazing, actually."

"Oh, is that so?"

He nodded. "Erica and I are now..."

"A couple!" Said girl jumped cheerfully into the room.

"I told her to stay behind the door for this," said Robert. The pair looked at each other and imitated my Tae's little giggle.

"Wow," I said. "Fantastic."

How great for him. Robert spent the entire first period humming a happy melody with a stupid grin on his face, not listening to the teacher. How fucking great. I couldn't hear anything either, despite trying to. When the break came, he greeted Erica, who'd waited outside the classroom's door once more, and the two went to our place.

I grabbed Taehyung and dragged him to the front yard.

"Are you upset?" he asked me, later adding, "never mind the question. You are upset."

"I'm fine."

Taehyung followed me with no resistance, despite noticing the turns I was taking in the hallways were different. "You're trying to avoid Robert?" I found somewhere for us to sit. There were too many of them where we stayed. "He didn't mean for any of this to happen. He had no idea," Taehyung told me.

"I know."

We were watching a group of guys playing football, and, suddenly, a suggestion had caught my attention. "Let's take another day off and cheer you up instead."

"W-will our boss mind?" I asked.

A date with Taehyung was all I'd been dreaming of since we became a couple. Things were rough for him, and so we lacked the opportunity. The money we'd earned was yet far from enough, but those were a few first steps in the right direction. It seemed we could spend some time together.

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