Chapter 36: MOTHER

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"It's dawn now, Tae, a new day, a new fate, and things may even change for the better." Taehyung's head was laying on my lap, he'd just woken up, and I was playing with his hair, attempting to cheer the upset boy.

"Will they?" he asked. "My own mother hates me."

"They will. Trust me." I leaned in, placing lips gently on his cheek. "I've never lied to you."

"You always give me hope... That's nice."

Staring into his shining, still red eyes, we shared a few quiet moments letting our looks speak. Such simple language held the most complicated words, primitive yet peaceful, calming, and powerful. These minutes could turn an hour, but I averted my gaze to the bedroom's door at the sound of knocking.

"May we come in, please?"

Taehyung scattered to the other corner of the bed as my parents entered through. My mother was smiling brightly, a hint of excitement in her posture. My father wore formal attire, appearing calm and confident like he was about to make a business deal.

"Good morning, Taehyung, we hope you're feeling well," said Dad. "You and I are going to have a chat later, though I won't be too hostile, don't worry."

"You're scaring the child, honey." Mom glared at the other. "We're going to talk to your mother since I assume she hasn't gone to work yet. After what Jungkook had told us, it should be fairly easy to change her mind about letting you back in," she said.

Dad lifted his hand, displaying a paycheck. "Plus, since we've heard she needs money, that might help. Just in case."

"Mr. Jeon, you don't have to..."

"It's not much, enough to motivate, but everything still depends on you, which is good. That's how you'll be guaranteed to have a shelter," he told Taehyung. The man now pointed at me. "As to you, Jungkook, keep working for him. I see it helps recreate some important moral values." Taehyung and I froze, glanced at each other, and I tried to communicate: I hadn't told a thing. "You and I will also have a heart to heart, not as pleasant."

Mom tugged her husband's shirt. "We'll be on our way, alright, dear? You two, stay here."

I gulped, horrified, and turned to Taehyung in search of a similar, sympathetic expression. He was staring at me with a big, happy grin.


I fell backward when Taehyng jumped on me with a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Not everything is solved yet, and you're aware of that," I said, pushing him off to sit up. "She might not accept you."

"Who cares! Your parents are on our side, and I get to meet my brother! I can finally be me, and she has no choice other than to live with it. Victory is mine!" Taehyung cried.

"You're adorable," I mumbled with a chuckle.

Taehyung hopped on my lap. "And you're handsome," he responded with a kiss. "Thank you, thank you so much..." He continued leaving more light kisses all over my face.

I couldn't resist catching his lips with mine. He was kissing me back and deepening the sensation, not letting go until I ran out of breath and had to pull away. While I kept panting, Taehyung's eyes lingered on my now swollen lips, his thumb caressing the wet skin.


He grabbed the collar of my shirt and smashed our mouths together anew, captivating me in the aggressive touch, letting his move against mine faster. The action blocked my mind from asking questions. His hand slid from around my neck to my chest, then to one of my palms, grabbing it and bringing it to his crotch.

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