Chapter 26: Secret Lover

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"I love you."

Taehyung was red as a tomato, and I was struggling to restore my breath. We messed up. There was no time for me to utter these words again and receive a response as both of us were too worried about getting into trouble. Saying anything else about it before calming Taehyung down wasn't an option.

"How long have we been here?" he panicked.

"A few minutes, I believe. I tried to make it quick," I said.

"Do you think he'd find out? Is this suspicious?" How different Taehyung behaved from minutes beforehand was close to comical, but I, as well, was too terrified to laugh. "Will he fire us?"

"Relax, he w-won't know about this."

The whole act took just long enough for our boss to question why we were still there. Luckily, it was easy making up an excuse to escape the situation, and once done with the explanations, there was an opportunity to chat.

"Mind if I walk you home?" I asked. When Taehyung agreed, I put my hands in my pockets and began walking beside him, nervous. "So c-can we go on another date, as a c-couple?"

"A couple?" Taehyung gasped.

My cheeks were burning. "I told you, Tae, I love you, and I want to go out with you sometime... What do you say...?"

As anxious as I was, Taehyung appeared to have it worse. "Y-y-y-you actually m-meant that?!"

We stopped midway, he stared at me with wide eyes, and I blinked in return. Taehyung took a deep breath, and so did I.

"I didn't think you were serious... I thought it was in the heat of the moment type of thing..." he told me. "I had no idea... you love me?! Me?"

"Yes, Taehyung, I do. You were doing so much for me, you care, you like the same things I do, you're smart, and you've made me laugh..."

The smile which followed that statement was the most brilliant thing I'd ever witnessed. It was adorable, Taehyung couldn't decide whether he should kiss or hug me first.

"Well... do you still want to be with me?" I asked. In response, he did both.

"Of course, I do!"

I allowed Taehyung to wrap arms around me, bringing him closer. "How about tomorrow?" I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "Even if it's something short before work, I'll think of an idea and tell you at school, alright?"

He nodded and tightened the embrace.

"From now on," I said, "you don't owe me anything, the past will stay in the past, and our relationship will be healthy."

"I don't even care at this point." He snuggled into my shirt. "I only wish you'd stay with me."

"Tae, you should care, are you kidding?" I pulled away, visibly upset, and Taehyung lowered his head in apology. I sighed. "I'll treat you well, I promise."

It didn't matter, I was at fault, and I was going to fix it. What mattered was...

Oh my fucking god! I'm dating Kim Taehyung!

Imagining us watching movies together, playing video games, then making out for hours on a couch, waking up next to each other without rushing away, and even having silly domestic arguments, all sounded like a paradise.

"Robs, do you have a moment? Let's meet up!" I shouted into my phone.

"Meet up?"

"Yes!" I replied.

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