Chapter 15: Goody Two-Shoes

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Everyone, please open your books on page two hundred fifteen."

I was too distracted to pay attention. Robert pinched my arm, and I turned to him with a mild heart attack. "What are you looking at?"


I was staring at the other side of the classroom. My eyes caught a few students listening to the teacher with bored expressions, others were passing notes, and some were bothering the table in front of them while laughing.

I couldn't hold it in any longer, took out my phone, and opened the text messenger underneath the table. "You wouldn't!" Robert gasped, glaring at me through his glasses.

'Taehyung, where are you?'

"You're insane! You're turning into a delinquent!" Robert whisper-shouted.

"It's an emergency," I told him.

I kept watching the empty seat, and every time I glanced at it, a heavy feeling was building up in my stomach. Usually, I was able to see Taehyung attempting his best to concentrate and fight off sleepiness.

Then, he would try his hardest to do the class assignment while biting on his bottom lip in frustration. It always took him time to get the questions in that specific subject. I would notice, stare at him for minutes before we would make eye contact for a split second, and he'd immediately avert his gaze.

He wouldn't miss a school day for no reason, would he? Is he beating up kids again...? Could he be in trouble?

It was only half an hour into the lesson when he'd decided to show up. Taehyung came through the door, panting, walked over to the teacher, and said something into her ear.

"I understand, Mr. Kim, and I hope it's alright now. You may take your seat."

Taehyung put down his bag, sat in his place, and began tapping fingers on the desk, anxiety written all over his face. What's wrong now? I bit my lip, sneaking the phone out again.

'Be there at 19:00.'

"Dude, are you serious?" I heard Robert.

"Keep it down, dumbass!" I muttered.

"Mr. Kim, your phone." The entire class got notified; somebody was contacting Taehyung, who bowed in apology. "It's alright if you make it quick and put the device on silence mode once done," the teacher said.

He grabbed it and looked at me, flushing. Robert raised an eyebrow.

'I need to get home earlier, can you change the time please?'

I glanced his way, Taehyung seemed restless. There was a purpose for the specific hour, Taehyung was working after school, and if he'd get to my place earlier, it would take away from his job. It was easy to figure out he needed the money. I was aware he'd sacrifice a lot to be near me, but that wouldn't do, I was having none of it.

'No, I can't.'

He put his phone down, now appearing even more distressed. A sense of guilt was passing through my body, but I couldn't make him not show up at the restaurant, nor could I let him go. It was my fault. I didn't wish to stop what we had or to go a single day without it.

Hoards of students were fleeing our classroom the instant the bell had rung— one would believe the place was on fire if they didn't know any better. Robert and I maintained our chill, moving towards the exit when I bumped into someone.

"Forgive me! I didn't mean it."

I let Taehyung be as I watched him run to the cafeteria, on the verge of chuckling.

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