Chapter 27: Taehyung's iPhone

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Right before my next class had started, while making my way to the faculty room, I stumbled across the woman for which I'd been looking.

"Mrs. Levi!" I called, "I'm afraid I'll have to leave class half an hour earlier today. May I?"

Mrs. Levi, who'd been busy eyeing the hallways, took one more sip of her coffee and turned her attention to me. "Is that a one-time thing, Mr. Jeon?"

"Yes, Ma'am, is that okay?" I repeated.

"Depends," she said, "can I hear your reason?"

I run a hand through my hair, my face heating up.

"Got it. I'll let you leave whenever, and good luck with, let me guess, Taehyung?"

I gulped. "How did you...?"

"Teachers know everything. Don't question it." She winked.

The time had come. I raised my hand, Mrs. Levi gave me a nod, and by the end of the school day, I was sitting on a blanket covering the nearby park's ground, baskets full of snacks placed around me, taking deep breaths. Here we go. I took out my phone with shaking fingers. Come on, Jungkookie! You've got this.

Finally, I texted Taehyung. Soon, he arrived there, and a little shocked, beamed at the sight.

"I know you won't believe this," I said with a shy grin, gazing down, "but I'm a romantic."

"This is perfect, Jungkook."

"Really? You like the idea?" Taehyung nodded, then chuckled as I sighed in relief. "So you should try the pie! Robert baked it just for us," I said. He sat down with a face full of light, and I showed him all of the baked goods I'd brought. Mouth forming a pout, Taehyung couldn't decide what to taste first.

I continued staring in awe while he was enjoying the food. "I wanted to thank you for helping my brother," he said between bites. "The amount of things I'm grateful for only keeps piling up."

"You don't have to thank me, I'm glad to be of help... and I like to see you smile..."

Taehyung swallowed and glanced away, his cheeks turning pink. "I like seeing yours too."

"Look at us! All cute and precious." I giggled. He's as anxious as you are, Jungkookie, see? "You realize we're boyfriends now, right?"

Tomato-red, Taehyung let out a nervous laugh. "It honors me to hear this, and I'm grateful for that too. It makes me happy."

"How did you get even more adorable? If this alone makes you happy..." I lay down, facing the clouds. "Imagine how amazing it will become with time... I mean, I've already shown you my worst side for a big part of this relationship. You won't resent me even if I cut off one of your limbs."

"I wouldn't go that far..."

"What I'm trying to say is that we can grow as a couple, you have the right to demand my very best, and I'll be fighting to make you happier each passing day," I told him.

He lay next to me. "You're so sweet, Jungkook..." We turned our heads to each other, eyes meeting. "I'd kind of like to kiss you..."

"You can go for it."

"This is a public place..." he said.

I scoffed, getting on top of him with a smile. "So was the bathroom from literally yesterday, the one in which you wanted us to have sex. It's only a kiss."

"I..." Taehyung reached for my cheek, his thumb caressing it while biting his lip. "There might be children around..."

I leaned in with the motion. "This place gets more action than a love hotel. The kids don't mind anymore."

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