Chapter 9: Carol of the Bells

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Bye, Mom!"

"No alcohol, no drugs, and no parties!" my father said, making my eyes roll. "That's what a parent's supposed to say, although it'll be sad for you to do all of these alone."

"Take care, Dad!"

I pushed them out the front door, locked it, and exhaled in relief. Finally, space... With a mother working at home, privacy that time of the year was often hard to come by. I ran room to room, having a tour around the house, checking each place was empty and locking the doors. Though understanding how ridiculous the idea was, I stayed paranoid they'd magically spawn in one of them at the wrong moment.

Carefully tiptoeing into my bedroom, closing it, too, shut, my phone began to ring, nearly giving me a heart attack. Robert's contact name popped onto the screen.

"You have an empty house for a month... Let's do something crazy! Call the call, and I teleport to your front door."

"Don't see a reason not to, though a little later," I told him. "And you can't actually teleport... Right...?"

He scowled. "Why not now?"

"Because I'm about to watch a movie..."

As bizarre as it is true, each teen has at least one friend with the worst timing, even if they have but a single pal.

"Great, we can watch it together! How's it called?"

And as frequent as it was for him to catch me in such situations, it always remained uncomfortable. "It's the kind of movie you watch on your own, and I'd rather die than say it out loud."

"Oh... Enjoy...?"

The site was a little slow on loading, and while waiting, I went downstairs, picking something Robert and I could watch once I'd invite him in. A few minutes later, I'd returned to the computer.


Taehyung's P.O.V

The sound of chattering, the scent of different dishes, and the movement of the rest of my coworkers couldn't distract me. Right then and there, with my fists clenched and teeth grinding, I craved to kill my boss's son.

"So you want to keep this job, or not?" he repeated, an ugly, smug grin smeared across his face.

"Christmas is the only time I'll have to spend with my family," I attempted to explain after a few deep breaths.

"I don't care." He scoffed. "I'm not going to be stuck here while my friends are out on vacation, and you're going to fill in for me, got it?"

"No! I'm sick of doing you favors, this is your family's business!"

"And you work for us," he said. "Shut up and do your job."

I'd worked on his hours too many times before. "Don't cut me off," I spat. Each time I did, the money I'd earned went directly into his pocket. "The answer is no."

The other laughed again. "Do you still think you're in a position to say no? I can get the old man to kick you out if I want to. Heck! I can even make sure no place nearby hires you," he stated. "But we don't want that, do we?"

"Your father won't fire me because of this," I told him. "He needs me. Not many people would work for him, and he's desperate."

"I bet he would—" The other tapped my nose "—If he heard you were sexually harassing his son."

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would," he said, "and it would be hella believable."

I was ready to jump on him and lend a punch. He caught my hand.

"Nice try. Don't worry, I won't tell him if you do as I say."

"Fuck you!"

"I'll take it as a yes." He let go with a nasty, proud chuckle and began walking away. "What a weakling..."

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was in a weird place between shameless and shameful when letting Robert in. It was final. I couldn't resist it. The idea of telling Robert, sharing the new feelings taking over me, was exciting, yet I kept my mouth shut.

The thought of Taehyung was what I let my desires out on that day. The accident had eliminated every bit of hesitation; I had a clear goal, and now, a target.

Robert leaned on the back of my couch with a sigh. "What is my life?"

"What happened?" I asked

"Ember asked me on a date." I tilted my head, confused. "'Booty...'"

"Oh— wait, what?!"

I paused the movie. Ember, who was known by a less respective name, was one of the most desired girls in our school.

"How did you react? What did she say? Tell me everything!"

"If you insist..." Robert giggled. "Remember when you went to the bathroom and left me in class? She went up to me and..." He paused, teasing. "...Said I was adorable, called my glasses hot and demanded me at her house next week," he whispered before taking a deep breath. "SHE DEMANDED ME AT HER FUCKING HOUSE!"

"What a chad."

"I'm going to have a girlfriend, and you'll die a virgin," Robert said, poking my nose.

I snapped his hand away, then took a sip from my glass of milk. "We'll see about that."

"Somebody looks confident, what's the deal?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I didn't reply. "You've found someone you're interested in?" I resumed the film. "Tell me!"

"I'm not in love, Robs, give it up."

And that was the reason why it was going to be so fun.


Taehyung's P.O.V

It was the last day before the Christmas holidays, everything at school decorated, an atmosphere lovelier than ever. Crossing the colorful corridors, I stepped in front of my locker, opening it when sensing, behind me, a strong presence.

"Who is it?!" I hissed, but my threatening tone had only earned an amused chuckle.

On my ear breezed a hot breath. "Merry Christmas, Taehyung." The deep, familiar voice sent shivers down my spine.

I immediately turned around. Jeon Jungkook was walking down the hallway. 

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