Chapter 28: Sugar Daddy(?) Jungkook

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Ring ring. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the ringing phone, it didn't stop. I covered my ears with the pillow, and it didn't work, just like covering my face with it to suffocate. No eternal sleep for me; either I answer the phone, or the heavy metal song would cause Dad to wake up and smother me for real.

"Why the fuck are you calling me at 8 AM on a Saturday?!"

"Please don't yell at me, you sound scary..." Robert pleaded.

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Let's go video-game shopping!" I heard him.

"Fuck off."

Robert's laughter echoed through the device. "Kook, I want to meet up!"

"Fuck you. Let me sleep," I told him, ready to hang up.

"I've got some spicy news about that girl," he said.

"Let me dress."

Countless cold water splashes into my eyes later, Robert entered the mall while jumping around, and I followed, making fun of him. He continued hopping from place to place with a big, dumb smile, looking like he was about to explode.

"Yesterday, when you were at work, and I had to go to the movies alone, I met Erica and her friends," he said. "We ended up hanging out for hours!"

"Wow, you've spoken to somebody else our age?" I teased. "Maybe such a rare event was worth it."

Robert kept on mumbling. "She was so talkative around that group, we have so many common interests, she's nice to me, and one of the girls invited me to a birthday party!"

Noticing his tone was getting out of hand, Robert stopped to take a deep breath. "Three, two, one..." I counted.


I gave him a pat on the back. "It's too early to celebrate, pal. How about instead of wetting your pants every time a girl isn't shit to you, you save the screams for when she's your girlfriend?" I told him. "Not every female who says 'hi' is a guaranteed romance. Sometimes women are just decent people."

"I know that! The only shit person here is you. Can't you show some support, dickface?" Robert glared.

"That's the only reason I'm here, shitbrains," I said. "My allowance is limited, and I probably won't be able to buy something anyway. Although your love stories require miracles at best, I'm intrigued, I'm interested, and I want to hear more."

Robert pointed to our right. "There you go, you poor saint. There's a store with secondhand gear around this corner, still, knowing you, 'limited allowance' means you could buy a slightly smaller mansion than usual."

I rolled my eyes and let him lead us forward. On our way, we passed through a male clothing shop, making me catch his sleeve.

"Can we visit here a second? I tore Tae's shirt once, and... Yeah, I made a promise."

"Go ahead," he replied. "I don't want to hear more."

After what I guessed to be fifteen minutes, he came in as well, searching for me.

"What the hell, Kook?! You said you needed to buy a shirt, one shirt!" I turned to him with an apologetic smile, a mountain of clothes in my hands. "What... What are you doing?!"

"I couldn't help it!" I wined. "These would look so good on him, see? The fabric feels so soft too. He'd love it, it must be super comfortable..."

He followed me to the cashier, giving me disappointed stares all the way. While stepping to the exit of the shop, my eyes lay on a few more accessories, yet Robert grabbed the back of my shirt, and we proceeded to the other side of the mall. At last, we'd met our original destination.

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