Chapter 41: Most Important Word

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Taehyung's P.O.V

"Jungkook, are you awake?"

He let out a loud snore. "No."

I pecked his nose. "I want to thank you for being there last night..." I kissed his cheek. "I love you. Wakey, wakey." I moved to his neck.

"It tickles!" he cried and pushed me away. "Little shit, you know what happens when you touch me there!" Yawning, the boy returned to rest his face on my chest. "You'd do the same... and it's my pleasure to help. No need."

"But I want to," I said.

Jungkook scoffed. "Yeah. Right." He got up, stepped closer to his window, and moved the curtains. "It's such a beautiful day outside, warmer, must be great for a visit to the park instead of letting you worship me in my room."

"That's a first coming from you, and the verb is 'admire,'" I said. "I don't have much time to spare for an outdoors-date."

"What's the rush? You should cool down before facing your mother, and I'd rather find a way to help too."

In a similar situation, I knew Jungkook wouldn't need any help. The boy had grown into what seemed to be a caring man, wise, brave, and determined. He had to be the one to fix any problem, and in some cases, it was hard to tell whether it was his love or pride guiding these actions.

He had everything. He had books, video games, weird anime merch, the highest grades, a pleasant house, the perfect parents, Robert... Yet, Jungkook had taught himself to deal with difficulties he'd never come across. All and everything, that powerful man could achieve well enough on his own.

"I'm afraid there's nothing you can do." I stood up. "Where did you put my clothes?"

"Going already? You can stay here as much as you want, I've notified Mom and Dad, and if anything goes wrong—"

"I've got this." I ruffled his hair. "If I wish to speak to her, I must get home before she leaves for work," I explained. "Now, please answer."

He pointed at his closet. "Not on the floor for a change."

"Good to know, I'll get to them in a minute, or a bit more..." With a smirk, I began taking off the Pikachu onesie. "I imagine it isn't the sexiest strip you've witnessed, though I'm also aware you have no standards in the mornings." I let the outfit slide to the floor and lowered to my knees.

"Tae..." Jungkook sighed. "I told you there's no need."

"Do you want me to?" I asked.

"Do you like bothering with pointless questions?"


I dressed up, prepared to leave, and grabbed my phone; she'd been trying to contact me all night long.

Fucking bitch! If you care so much, then why...? Why? Why?

"Taehyung!" Jungkook caught my nape and rubbed our foreheads together, eyes fixated on mine. For minutes, he did nothing but stare. "She's the one who messed up, not you. No matter what the outcome is, keep that in mind."

As to why his creepy stare was so reassuring, I'd never found an answer.

There were so many things I wanted to know and do, yet every part of me was screaming to stop midway and return to Jungkook's. I couldn't disappoint him. I had to keep walking.

My mother ran up to me the second I entered the apartment. "Goodness, where have you been?!" She held onto my head and examined my expressions. "You've never spent the entire night out without telling me, did you get in trouble? Did something happen? Don't scare me like that again!"

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