Chapter 3: Protect...

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Fancy attire, a delicious scent, and one busy host had greeted us at the restaurant's entrance. "Name?" the male asked. He was wearing a suit, a black tablet in his tattooed hands, his voice flat and robotic.

"J-Jungkook Jeon, sir."

Looking through some files, one corner of the male's lips curled up. "Mr. Jeon, your father, I believe, had already arranged a table for two. Come with me."

Robert laughed. "Of course, he did."

The other sat Robert and I at a distant corner inside the facility, scoffed once my friend joked about the private placement, and let us be. Anxious, I scanned our surroundings with puffed cheeks. The atmosphere, though appearing welcoming on the outside, was suffocating.

"How did he even know I would bring you here?" I questioned.

"You said you've heard about this place, let me guess, from your dad? Think, Kook, think. Use your brain for once."

"Oh. Shit. Right." I glanced at the menu. "At least this place is expensive enough for the old man to get a proper punishment... Are you okay with those fucking candles on our table?"

"You kidding? It's hilarious!" he said. "I can view it as an ironic joke, comfortable with my sexuality and all."

"Well, I'm not, please call for somebody to take them."


"What the...?" My friend turned his full attention to the kitchen, where somebody made more angry yells to disturb the eaters. "That just made my ears bleed..."

I looked behind me, curious. A waiter came out of it, moving towards us before stopping midway, staying in place for a couple of seconds, and then continuing forward.

Forcing on a painful-seeming smile, the waiter called for our notice. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. What can I do for you?"

I had no desire to be served by Kim Taehyung. That's his workplace, and he's trying to be professional, a voice of reason within me spoke, though, no parts of my brain understood why he was there right after his first day back to school.

I let out a long sigh. "Let's get this over with..." I said, soon trying to tell him my order was so and so.

"S-sorry, could you repeat that...?"

I wished for a swift interaction, at the end of which he'd disappear from my view. Only Taehyung took too long, rechecking every single detail. With a tone weaker, softer than usual, he kept biting on his lips while attempting to press pen, with a shaky hand, to paper.

"And w-what about your date?"

Robert rolled his eyes at the question, but I failed to keep silent.

"He. Is. Not. My. Date!"

Taehyung flinched and immediately lowered into a sharp bow. "My mistake, sir..." he said. "Forgive me if I made you uncomfortable..."

"Maybe next time, don't fucking assume shit," I mumbled through my teeth.

Robert put a hand on my shoulder. "Let go." With a tiny, apologetic smile, Taehyung returned hurriedly to the kitchen, leaving us alone anew. "I get it, Kook, it's annoying, but as much as I hate Kim, he wasn't mocking us. It looks like a date, and we alone are in on the joke."

"I guess you're— Again with the fucking yelling..." I wished for nothing more than to enjoy the food with him, the environment, however, was growing obnoxious.

I was ready to turn around and recheck what was going on, yet Robert was quick to pull me back towards him. "It's none of our business." He glanced behind my shoulder and, quickly gazing away, swallowed.

Moments passed, and Taehyung, attempting to be very careful, lay the dishes in front of us. More and more shouting had crept into my ears as we were feasting and chattering, turning the pleasant banter stiff and shallow. I couldn't stop thinking about the poor worker enduring the humiliation just a few meters away. At last, I ignored Robert and averted my look to see what the source of the insufferable, chilling noise was.

A helpless waiter was getting scolded in front of everyone, our waiter, Kim Taehyung.

Realizing I'd found out the identity of the victim, Robert was more desperate to keep me in place. "This is none of our business," he repeated.

Tapping fingers on the table, I continued watching the pitiful sight. Everyone's eyes were on Taehyung, who kept forcing himself to maintain his head low, hands clenched into obvious fists. The employer was yet letting anger out on him, cornering the boy who couldn't say a word in defense.

I bit on my inner cheek, eyes fixated on the scene, refusing to stray away.

Taehyung's P.O.V

My head began to hurt, and still, the shouting grew higher and louder as my boss was narrowing the gap between us, stamping his feet violently. "IF YOUR RETARDED PIECE-OF-SHIT ASS WANTS TO KEEP THIS JOB—"

"Disgusting," uttered a familiar, cold, low voice.

Jungkook was standing in front of me, blocking the older male's reach with crossed arms, his piercing glare directed at the other.

The boss noticed everyone's interest in the scenery. "Sorry, sir," he said, "for bothering you and ruining your afternoon at my place..."

"It's not the issue," Jungkook told him, "the way you treat him is pathetic."

Another customer joined him. "The boy is right! This kind of behavior should be unacceptable."

"I wouldn't tolerate my boss disrespecting me in such a manner," said her friend.

"This is a child!"

"I have this all on camera!"

Everybody started getting up, surrounding us, following Jungkook's lead. A woman handed me a note with a number written in it. "If he does that again, or threatens to fire you needlessly, give me a call. I've recorded everything, and it'll go online and directly to my lawyer."

Every table I served that evening left me a tip. I was feeling much better, and although the employer now hated me even more, for once, I knew I wasn't defenseless. At least for that shift. At least as long as Jungkook was there.

I returned to the pair's table after bringing them the bill. Before the two went out, they'd also left me a few extra coins.

I beamed at them. "Thank—"

"Do not." Jungkook startled his best friend and I. "The money is for the decent service," he said with an alarming expression, "so let me make myself clear, stay the fuck away from me. I can't stand as much as looking at you."

I remained quiet, gazing down as they went out. A sudden, sharp pain spread across my upper body.

Why did he stand up for me? I couldn't stop asking myself on the way home. Memories of Jungkook creating a barrier between my boss and me, preventing harm and demanding respect, didn't let my mind rest. Jungkook had every reason to stay by and watch. I even assumed he'd enjoy the situation.

In a ridiculously short amount of time, he'd gotten me money and hours worth of bearable work. A hero I wasn't able to thank, and that was my fault. Yet, even though it was a one-time thing, the right thing to do, something which would never happen again, I was saved.

The thought alone made the bittersweet feeling more sweet than bitter.

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