Chapter 24: Aid

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Taehyung was cuddling into me, falling asleep in my arms, and all I wished to do was to snuggle closer and succumb to the urge to close my eyes and join him. The time, however, was not on our side. "Is your family not going to return soon?" I asked.

With a frown, he nodded and rubbed his face against my chest.

"Then I should go..." I pushed him away lightly to stand up. "I suggest you walk me to the door. Somebody needs to lock it."

"It's fine," he mumbled. "Only my mother might get mad..."

"I guess it won't take them long to arrive here anyway..." I bit my lip. "Are you sure?"

Taehyung snored in response. I pecked the boy's forehead, gave a last, gentle kiss to his swollen lips, and covered him with the blanket. Later, I was already out, walking home in the dark, exhausted and cold.

I entered the house and began making my way upstairs. Passing by my parents' bedroom, I overheard their conversation:

"He hasn't answered my calls, Robert has no idea where he is, it's almost his bedtime, and our baby isn't home..." My mother's voice was shaky and accompanied by sobs.

"Calm down, honey. He's our son, and we should trust he's alright."

"Yes, he is our son, and he's supposed to concern you too," she told him. "You've seen his recent behavior, and you know what he'd told me. Something is wrong... What if he's with that guy? What if he's sleeping with somebody else he doesn't even know? Is he protected, treated well...? I'm so worried."

"Take a breath, love. It's alright—"

"If anything were alright, he wouldn't have said it or thought of himself that way... W-what if our Jungkookie is no longer himself?"

"I'm alive!" I shouted.

Mom busted out of their room in an attempt to catch up to me. "Jungkook!"

I went into mine and closed the door. Father followed suit and began knocking. "Open up! Where have you been?!"

"Everything's fine. Don't come in!" I said.

"It wasn't a request, open up, now!" he yelled.

With no choice, I let him through. He was pissed.

I let out a long, irritated sigh. "I'm sorry for not telling you, but I was out with a friend, and since I didn't hook up like you think I did, I shall close the door again and have some alone-time, okay?"

"Your tone is very disrespectful," said my father. He took a deep breath. "I get it. You're not a child anymore, and we're as overly protective as we've always been. Your mother never wished for it to suffocate you, still, do not stress her this much. You know how much we love you, I ask you not to give us a hard time."

"I understand."

I watched him walk out; none of our emotions matched our words. The steady posture and the dead stare were a warning, the war was on, and he was about to keep a close eye on me.

But at last, it was quiet, I could change into my nightwear, and lie down as the starlit sky was turning a beautiful sunrise.

One day, I was playing with my favorite food instead of eating it, had bloodshot eyes from a lack of sleep, and stayed on the verge of tears. The morning after, I was well-rested, calm, and had a healthy appetite.

All didn't appear to make my mother relax. That morning, when we were having breakfast, she was the one who didn't have a peaceful night, left with enough energy to ask a single question. "When was the last time you went out with Robert?"

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