Chapter 32: Lovey-Dovey

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Taehyung's P.O.V

Watching Jungkook taking things out of his locker made me confused. The boy seemed to have listened to my brother and I, had had the rest of the weekend to follow the advice, and yet, when Robert was right in front of him, he did nothing.

We were facing his best friend's spine. Usually, Jungkook would call for his attention, start some small talk, and maybe the two would even do their unique handshake. But that day, stiff and quiet, he only threw Robert a single glance and was back to staring at his feet, locking the locker blindly.

"Can I hold your books, please?" Automatically, Jungkook handed them to me. He thought to ask for the reason afterward. "Too late, love," I said and pushed him towards the other. The cause was worth the death glare.

Robert felt his presence, turned around, and I started to believe the strategy began working; as upset as Jungkook was, he pretended nothing had happened, and the conversation had its regular flow.

Then, Erica showed up, walking behind Robert to hold his arm.

"Good morning, beautiful," Robert told her with a smile.

"Morning, handsome."

He took off his glasses, and the two rubbed their noses against each other. I thought the gesture was lovely, especially since, according to Robert, that was a replacement for the greeting peck they'd share once he'd give her his first kiss. Jungkook, on the other hand, pressed against my side, cringing.

Her cheeks turned pink once noticing me. "Good morning, Kim," she uttered cheerfully.

"Good morning."

I was the last to speak these words for a while. I could feel my boyfriend's blood boiling as he clenched onto my hand, each passing second, tightening his grip.

"Jungkook... You're hurting me..." I muttered.

Erica took a closer look around me with shining eyes. "Oh, Jungkook! I didn't see you there. Good morning to you too!" She smiled at him. "We should talk sometime, Robert's told me so much about you!"

He hid behind me. "Great idea..."

The girl giggled.

Jungkook remained in cover and kept my arm in his firm embrace as Erica did the same to Robert's.

"You're angry, I get it," I whispered, "but why the hell is that so cute?"

"Cute?" he murmured. "Then I'm about to become really fucking adorable. Did you see that bitch?! Am I made of glass?"

"Give her a break. It's too early in the morning," I said with a yawn. "She didn't pay attention, busy chattering probably."

"Yeah, busy eyeing out my best friend, that one was." I was close to convinced he stopped pressing, only to realize my limb was already numb.

"You mean her boyfriend, she's allowed to—"

"I mean, my best fucking friend!"

Throughout the entirety of the break, I was keeping up with Jungkook while he followed his friend's new girlfriend. From one building to another, to a yard, he watched her from aside with clenched fists and a crazy person's mumbling.

"See that pen? I'd stab her in the throat with it. And these ugly shoes, I'd choke her with their laces, if only it were legal..."

I was listening to the disturbing details of his murderous fantasies, attempting to support my partner. Despite being aware he'd get used to the new circumstances, in the meantime, Jungkook didn't feel needed.

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