Chapter 44: Fatherhood

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I failed to remember the last time I had such a good night's sleep. Lifting myself from Jungkook's warm, rock-hard chest, I smiled at the soft-looking boy. Although my mind was still blurred as I listened to the steady rhythm of his peaceful snores, it was impossible to forget what had happened the day before.

His body, his moans, the cute, priceless face he had when his eyes were tearing up and his mouth drooling, the compliments I received afterward... I couldn't escape those pleasant memories. And there he was, in my room, a handsome man, not at all the mess I recalled.

"Breakfast's ready!"

Mother was knocking on my door. Jungkook wasn't allowed in my bedroom.

"Shit!" My boyfriend was fully naked, and so was I. "Don't come in, I... I'm changing! I'll meet you at the dining table! Don't come in!" I shouted, hurrying to put on clothes. Thankfully, he hadn't woken up.

"Jungkook can join us. I already did last night," she said through the door. "It was hard to miss the two nude men sleeping on your miniature bed, luckily though, blankets are a thing, and I didn't see that much."

I ran out, panting in panic. "I'm so— Are you fine with that?!"

"Hard getting used to, yet, I'd learned I'm in no authority to judge." She took a deep breath and continued, "the truth is, I'm not a good parent, and you are a good son."

"You're an incredible woman, Mom," I said.

My mother shook her head. "But I'm trying to be."

The little interaction had put me in a great mood, and I was keen on waking Jungkook up to share my cheerfulness.

"And please tell your princess his parents had almost lost it. His mother gave me a visit, and it was awkward explaining. Thank you for putting me in that situation."

With the boy's face cupped in my hands, I pecked Jungkook's nose. He turned his back to me, pretending to be still fast asleep. I kissed him again.

"I had a good dream... I hate you..." He showed me his small, bunny grin. "I fell asleep at your place?"

I nodded. "We both did."

"How much trouble are we in?" he asked, stretched arms and legs, and buried his head in the pillow.

"I don't think we're in trouble," I told Junbgkook. "You've been invited to eat with us. I suggest we get ready now."

"Progress..." He sat up with a smile. "I like... Ouch!"

The boy fell backward and busted into loud laughter. "What's wrong with you?!" I asked.

He wiped a tear away. "My ass hurts..."

Three words. It took only three words to make my heart drop to my feet, hands grab my hair, and put myself into a state of complete, destructive, horrific panic.

"How the fuck is that funny to you? Are you okay?!" I began searching around the room. "I'm sure they're painkillers somewhere here... No, no, no! Hang on!"

"Calm down," he said and chuckled. "There's no need to be this dramatic."

"I can't find them!" I dropped on my knees in front of the bed. "I'm sorry!" I bowed. "Forgive me, Kookie!"

His laughter kept growing louder. "Embracing the top stereotype, I see," he scoffed, standing up. "I could use a shower if it's alright with you. Since it's my first breakfast with your family, I'd prefer not to stink."

"Yeah, it is," I mumbled, close to beaming, though it soon faded away. "Even if the family is not full..."

"Are you talking about your father? I know you miss him, but he's getting better. You should be happy, Tae."

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