Chapter 10: The Deal

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I opened Robert's closet with a sigh. "Do you have anything other than hoodies?"

"Like you're one to talk," he said, looking into it with me. "You never wear anything other than white shirts and black jackets— Kook, the date starts in two hours!"

"If you want my help at picking your outfit, don't insult my own," I muttered.

"Why are you so grumpy about it?" Robert asked while drying his hair with a towel. "Is it such a bother, helping a friend?"

"How about telling me I should help because I'm your best friend instead of your 'gay friend'?"

"Come on, Kook! It was a joke." He put the towel down. "Are you sure you're in a good mood?"

"And there was no reason for you to shower again, you're not going to have sex with her, right?" I said.

Robert rolled his eyes. "What I'll do with 'booty' is none of your business. You didn't answer, are you in a good mood?" he repeated.

"Oh no, no wonder it took you so long, you shaved it, didn't you? Gross..."


There was a single bottom-up shirt inside the wardrobe I thought looked decent, and I picked it up, relieved it had saved me the trouble of searching for anything of mine he could borrow.

"I've been thinking about it, and..." I started saying and swallowed anxiously. "I don't want you dating her."

There was a moment of silence between us. It shortly broke.

"Are you in love with me?!"

"No, are you insane?!" I replied.

"Alright, then what is it?" said Robert. "Do you think a girlfriend would take me away from you? That you'll get jealous?" He gasped. "Do you want her?"

"No, you idiot! I never said I didn't want you to date, I don't want it to be her, she's a player, and she'll break your heart!" My words made him look down, quiet. "Are you planning on a hookup? That's not like you..." I told him.

"I fancy her, it's nothing new, and that's why it might work. I'll make her fall in love with me," he explained. "Everyone treats her like a slut, and I'll treat her like a human. She deserves kindness. You can't just write somebody off because of their sexual history."

"Well, I wish you good luck." I gave the argument up with a smile. "But be careful, man." Robert earned the chance to get into a serious relationship. He could make that stupid plan work.

At times, I wished I could be as good as him.

When the two of us went out of his house, parting ways, I began thinking of the things I wished to do at home. There weren't many options.

I'd returned to the house, went upstairs to my room, and lay on the bed. I needed to call our internet provider to restore the connection, yet lacked the guts, staring at the ceiling instead. Robert was probably enjoying his date, perhaps a little too much, and there I was, bored.

Kim Taehyung. A name popped into my head as I was listening to the clock's ticking. I wonder...

Getting up and out to the streets, I started making my way to a place I'd visited before. I'd predicted right; the restaurant was full around the holidays, and he was there, working to serve the countless customers.

A group of women passed by, and I followed them in. Taehyung took a break to enter the men's restroom, and I headed off after him.

Taehyung's P.O.V

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