Chap 1: Secret

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Jeon Bo Young was pacing around the room, the worry and slight furry evident on her face. She was all dressed up in her brown turtle neck formal dress with an expensive embroidered coat enveloping her tiny frame. She really did not want to dress up for today. Bo Young is a woman of class and fashion and she doesn't hesitate to dress up so stylishly because she loves it_but today's particular event is not something she wants to look eager for.

Hyung Sik watched as his wife paced around and he was confused "Honey, are you alri_" but he was cut off by a sudden yell from his wife. He flinched visably.

"Ofcoarse I am not alright Hyung Sik!" she gasped dramatically "We are entering the great domain of hyenas. I don't like when they talk, it sounds like a bark." she rolled her eyes. Jeon Hyungsik was used to his dramatic wife. She was once a hit to the drama industry and now he has her.

"Calm down now, it's just a formal dinner." he tells her but she wasn't having it.

"Yes I know it's a formal dinner, what do you think of me? I'm not dumb. It's the people who sent us the invite that bothers me." she states "I don't trust the Kims."

"I know and I too feel a bit suspicious by their acts but I promise you we will be in and out in no time. I have nothing to do with them anyway." Hyung Sik assures.

"Well it's a great thing we are having dinner at a restaurant and not their 'oh so boring and disciplined mansion', that doesn't put my fashion to waste." she pointed and her husband laughed whole heartedly at that comment. "Now where is my handsome little son. I ordered a tuxedo especially for him, I wanna see him now!" she exclaims and both of them go downstairs where they are met with the sight of their 7 year old son.

He was tying his shoelaces but got his fingers stuck between the loops. He was struggling to get them out. He tried pulling them but fell back on the floor once he got them out. His parents chuckled at his attempts. He wasn't even wearing his shoes properly. The left one was on his right foot and the right one was on his left foot.

Hyung Sik picked him up and sat him on the couch, Bo Young also joined him by sitting beside him. The young Jeon smiled and pointed at his feet "Look Eomma and Appa, I put my shoes on all by myself."

"Jungkook-ah watch and learn." his father speaks to him and the young boy obeys him immediately. Hyung Sik put the right pairs on the respective foot and showed the young boy how to tie the shoe lace properly. He decided to tell Jungkook a little story to teach him faster.

"One day a bunny was hoping in the fields where he met a Kitty_"

"No Appa, a tiger! Not a kitty." the younger whines and his father complies.

"Okay son, a bunny met a tiger one day" he says while picking up the two stings and making individual loops. "The tiger and bunny made very good friends with each other and so they share a hug." he concluded as he tied the shoe laces.

"Appa bunny gave tiger a bigger hug!" he notices because the bunny loop had to go around the other entirely to be tied with it properly.

"Bunny must really like tiger!" Bo Young pointed and styled Jungkooks's hair. The perfect little family headed out of the mansion to leave for the dinner with the Kims. On the way Jungkook was singing songs and harmonizing with his father. His mother was acting out the lyrics which made both the males laugh. They were genuinely enjoying the quality family time.

Unlike someone...

Someone like Kim Taehyung.

They were also seated in their car but unlike the Jeons, the Kims were silent. The only time you could hear one of them speak is when Kim Eunha and Kim Sung Woo would point out even a micro flaw of their son. He was sitting at the back towards his mother's side_back straight, shoulders squared and a blank expression, he wasn't even allowed to smile because it was considered a non formal attribute.

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