Chap 22: Butterfly

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It's the next day now...

His senses are back to normal but he thinks he'll go insane any second. The moment Taehyung wakes up he finds out he is in a hospital bed, his wounds fixed and bandaged, an IV attached to his wrist, his vision blurry before they adjust to the irritating bright lights and... 

Oh God Jungkook!

The next moment he is stripping of the rubes of the IV from his body hurriedly because he wants to see Jungkook_ be close to him.

Jeon Boyoung has never witnessed the very dreaded silence, the silence that portrays the misery in those eyes_ Hyung Sik looked dead. His clothes are covered in blood and those tear stains on his pale face. She told him to go home and rest up while she is here for Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jin does the same while he waits for the news for the boys to recover, he asks Namjoon to go back home and freshen up.

Bo Young and Jin comfort each other but words felt so bitter as 'I'm fine' unintentionally translates to 'save me'.

They walked together to Tae's room while they wait for Jungkook's operation to end. But they weren't expecting a hectic Taehyung wildly ripping off the IV tubes.

"Tae! Taehyung!" Bo Young gasps and haults at the door.

"Taehyung don't do that you need to calm down." Jin approaches the distressed boy.

To Taehyung they were just some distant voices fading in and out_until Jin shakes him gaining his attention. Eye blood shot and that horrible worry on his face.

"Jungkook, I-I want to s-see Jungkook."

"You can't right now the operation is still going on."

This was so annoying, everything was so annoying and suffocating to Taehyung. Why can't he see Jungkook. He wants to see him alive and smilling infront of his eyes.

But he regrets looking at Bo Young who looked so lifeless and pale_ the bubbly personality of hers shifting to timid and worrisome. Taehyung felt lile he had betrayed a family.

"Excuse me Ma'am, Sir." the nurse comes to the room.

Taehyung's body jerked up and the other two were just as desperate for her to tell them the news. They hoped it was a good one.

Taehyung hates how professional these doctors and nurses are, he can't read their expressions_ he feels the anxiety build up taking every empty space in his body.

"What ha-happened to him? Is Jungkook okay? I-is he awake? Can I see h-him" And Taehyung out of no where floods the female with questions "Answer me!"

The nurse takes a deep breath and looks at Mrs Jeon_ the stare was uncertain and it gave all three a very bad feeling.

"The operation was a success." they held their breaths when she said that "But we don't want to give you false hope."

"What do you mean?" it was Bo Young this time. "Is my baby okay?" she was on a verge of tears and so was Taehyung.

"He's in a coma right now and we are unsure of when he'll wake up or if he'll wake up."

Those were the words_ that was all it to push Taehyung to his limit. There was no stop here and the time is a fucking bastard that goes on. He let his tears out.

"No." he choked and his body trembles. He was already weak and stripping off the IV tubes was a bad idea.

Jin lets Bo Young lean against his body since she had no physical nor mental strenght to stand up straight. She lets out silent tears in Jin's embrace as his other hand pats Taehyung's back.

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