Chap 9: Stay Gold

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"Are we there yet!"

"Nope, wait a little more."

Taehyung was currently blind folded and just the barrier of that simple beige fabric was enough to make Taehyung's mind have a hundred colorful visuals of what Jungkook had in store for him. He was getting more and more impatient as every second passed and the excitement couldn't be contained.

And he did not even pause for a second_ he keep bothering Jungkook. The ravenette knowingly did not mind at all because a giddy and excited Taehyung was a nice sight to see.

"Now are we there?"

"Tae, I'll tell you when we reach there. Stop asking and hold on."

"Ahhh I can't wait. Kookie hurry!" he whines but this time he really does shut up because Jungkook intentionally made the car speed up and suddenly slow down. He was just teasing Taehyung and ofcoarse the blonde did not want anyone of them to get hurt and cause an accident. Well Jungkook would never, that's for sure.

The car enters the open ground parking lot just a mile farther from the destination so that Taehyung doesn't get the hint immediately. One by one instead.

The car stops and Taehyung was quick to say "We are here! Kookie can I take the blindfold off please?"

"No, we have to walk for few minutes to get to the destination. This is just an empty parking lot, Tae." he tell him and Taehyung pouts again causing Jungkook to chuckle.

"What if I trip and break a limb, I'll end up in the hospital again and it will be so boring there. I'll frame you for that Jungkook!" and Jungkook just rolls his eyes at Taehyung playfully although he couldn't see. The blonde boy was just being too dramatic.

"Okay first, It's take more than just tripping and breaking a limb_you can sprain your ankle, sure... but I'll guide you there so you won't fall. And second who the hell frames a person for just that?" Jungkook remarks and Taehyung laughs.

"Me you crack-o-nut bitch!" he exclaims.

"Oh you start swearing now? And an interesting choice of nickname I see, Mr Kim." Jungkook teases.

"I told you to expect more from me, Mr Jeon." Taehyung muses and Jungkook was liking this feisty Taehyung.

It's a whole different Taehyung from few weeks ago and he wasn't complaining because this Taehyung was looking forward to adventure and explore the better side more_he was confident and much happier. Jungkook was content.

"Oh so now yo-" and Taehyung knew he was smirking even if he couldn't see the other but he'd rather not get tease and fucking blush_ so he did not let Jungkook speak further.

"Shut up Kook!" he says annoyingly and get out of the car.

Jungkook sprints to his side as he grabbed Taehyung's arm and he guided him as they walked toward the destination. The entire time even if Taehyung would ask about few hint, Jungkook would tell him that when they get closer, he'll know for now he needs to concentrate on walking.

As they were nearing, Taehyung started hearing distant noises of people chatting, Kid's exclaiming in excitement as they were having fun, people at the stall calling out to customers and few other sounds like metal clings and bell ringing_ to sum it up, it sounded like a crowded place, a very big area in general but everyone generally seems to be having a fun and a good time.

"I-I h-hear a crowd h-here." Taehyung stutters and Jungkook takes his blindfold off when they reached the huge entrance gate.

Taehyung's big chocolate brown eyes diluting because of the sunlight hitting them was the most fucking beautiful and purest things that Jungkook has ever witnessed. Taehyung's whole reaction to the grand surprise destination was an icon as if Jungkook has unlocked an achievement.

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