Chap 29: Kaleidoscope

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Honeymoon, oh honeymoon. Taehyung had some very spicey stories to tell but left them out instead he told everyone how beautiful it was to experiece love, laughter and adventure with his partner. He really misses those 2 weeks but the pictures taken there_ he will always cherish those memoroes with them.

Coming back they got busy again with work but hey life goes on and even if that repetitive pattern of work, eat, sleep and make love to each other during the weekend only sadly...gets kinda boring, Jungkook and Taehyung are glad that at the end of the day they have each other to cuddle with.

Recently the two had shifted to another house very close to Jungkook's office and not too far away from Perfum et audela either. It was gift from the Jeon and the Kim adults for their marriage_ a new place to start a new life.

Just 1 months after their marriage Lisa and Jennie got married_ Taehyung decorated for the event, it was at the beach and Jennie was so proud of Taehyung... just like Taehyung was when it was his wedding with those purple decorations by Jennie.

Jennie recalls the memory of Lisa crying the whole time as she saw Jennie walk to the alter_ crying as she said the vows, she was so happy, she couldn't control it. Jennie loved her despite everything_ for once Lisa looked cute and not an intimidating top while dressed so hotly.

Hoseok and Yoongi too got married_ Yoongi had to wait for Hoseok to finish his law studies and get a job like he always wanted... getting independent with a job and earn on his own was his goal and Yoongi respected that. Though he had already proposed to him.

Thankfully Haechan wasn't the only single person in the group anymore. After 2 months of getting annoyed and flirted on by Mark, he finally gave in and started dated him. Well it was an event actually...

Mark had come to Haechan's house to get his coat back that he lent to him the other day when he was cold_ it was mini hangout, date for Mark, a hangout for Haechan though it was clear ot was denial and he was being delulu.

Heachen had gave him the coat however, when his hands delicately grazed over Mark's on an accident_he denied it but his heart did skip a beat_ Haechen got concerned.

"You're hot." and when he saw Mark smirk, he rolls his eyes and rephrases the sentence "I mean your body temperatur, you're sick."

"Because I'm hot." Mark says sensually.

"I doubt that." well no Haechan doesn't.

Mark chuckles at the remark "May I come in, it's really cold outside."

"Um yeah sure." Haechan curses for making the other wait outside in the cold night and so he lets him in.

When he lets him in, there was a thick string of tension that it was safe enough to cut it with scissor or a sharp knife_ the night where it changes everything, those hidden emotions of liking in the small brunette towards the taller male.

Mark is infront of the fireplace warming his hands, he looked so cool, calm and collected but inside he was squealing YES I'M IN MY CRUSHES HOUSE!!!

"Don't worry about me, I'll be warming up myself and be leaving soon." the taller male says.

Haechan frowns; it was late at night, the male could have gotten his coat the other day but why now?

"Um sure, take as long as you want." he says and hurries towards the kitchen.

Just when the male was about to leave; he turns around only to see the Haechen standing there with a bowl of soup in his hand, nervouness was clear in his puppy eyes.

Mark tried his best not to squeal and lose his shit_ My crush cares! Awwwieee. He had a small smile, a genuin smile, not just a cocky smirk but a gratitude type of smile playing on his lips.

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