New Book!

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Sorry if you expected an update, I will not updaye today sorry because I'm kinda on a haitus but hear me out please>>>

Hey guys so I was so freaking excited when I was writing this summary down because I watched so many documentaries on NK and there is one documentary where a prison guard escapes with his prison inmate due to a change in heart... It was vaguely described and I was inspired to elaborate the story and write a taekook fanfic about it... Obv this is a fanfic and none of it is real btw.

The title:

The title:

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ik there are some sp and grammer errors here but I will sort it out when I officially publish the first chap

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ik there are some sp and grammer errors here but I will sort it out when I officially publish the first chap.

I haven't published anything yet because September is kinda busy since I have to study for my university entry examination but I will start somewhere in the middle of october when I'll be at ease mostly... Till then I'll complete love rivalry since it has only few chapters left to publish.

Guys do let me know in the comment section about this idea... Do you like it? Should I write about it? Lemme know loves 💜.

Also the book published introduction chapter can be found on my profile...

Till then bye everyone, have a good day and a sweet night. I'll see ya tomorrow with an update 💜.

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