Chap 13: Skeptic Calm

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"Delivery for Kim Taehyung." the delivery man announces as he enters the store.

Having to own a shop in such an artistically aesthetic neighborhood or street has its own advantage, it's been barely a month since Taehyung and Jenny have opened up 'Parfum et au-dela' _(yes they decided to settle for that name) and they've already received a decent amount of orders. Three or four orders for party dresses, many for cakes, decorations and perfume they sell_ it was pretty decent start and it was a smart choice to advertise it for the university students.

Namjoon was the one who gave Taehyung his business card; if he wants any good, he can ask call on the given number and get the good delivered to him from the warehouses Namjoon's company owns. Jenny and Taehyung would work there after classes but when Taehyung is busy for his extra classes Haechan and Lisa fill in for him time to time. They were a really big help for them both.

Taehyung was very content with his life now_ Sung Woo and Eunha have been pretty light handed with him lately as if they did not care if Taehyung even messes 0.5 percent and that was great_ he wanted that and he got that but there was an itch bothering him about that part too.

"Oh yes." taehyung turns around as the brunette male approaches him with a pen and a hardboard with papers attached to it that he had to sign.

"This place looks so lively now Taehyung." the delivery guys says as he smiles at the other.

"Thanks Bogumie hyung_ I thought it would be better if we added more color and decoration in here so I did!" he exclaims happily.

"You are doing such an awesome job here." the other says his body leaning against the glass counter. "The shop looks pretty just like you." this caused the other to blush.


"Yes he is doing AwEsOmE! *Veronica park style* " Jungkook butts in and stand between the two facing Bogum_ Taehyung's little head pops from behind Jungkook's broad shoulders. The way Jungkook pronounces awesome in a snobby way caught the customer's attention even if they were only 5 there.

"Hello, Jungkook Jeon here." Jungkook fakes a wide smile and puts his hand out for a shake but as soon as Bogum reaches it, he pulls it away pretending nothing happened.

Yes he was jealous_Taehyung is super nice and if someone flirts with him, he doesn't notices but Jungkook does. He doesn't like it when Bogum has to come so near Taehyung and talk to him with that stupid goofy smile of his which makes Taehyung look and smile back at him. Also why does he have to wear such a tight shirt that reveal his muscles, he should cover himself up before presenting himself infront of Taehyung_ as if Jungkook himself doesn't do that purposely himself.

"I see you come here often right." Jungkook continues in a jolly tone and Taehyung was beyond confused. "I see you every time but I did not get a chance to introduce myself to you."

"You just did." Bogum replies blankly. Jungkook feels like an idiot.

"Oh um_" he thinks for a second and decided to get straight to the point "You see Taehyung here is a very busy person and you are obviously wasting your time into engaging him with your pointless chatting. You have a job too bro so kindly le-"

"Jungkook!" Taehyung whispers and leaves Jungkook's back looking at Bogum "I'm so sorry Gummy"

What the fuck! Gummy! Jungkook was furious, if he wants to hear any nick name from Taehyung_it should only be directed towards Jungkook and only Jeon Jungkook not some random Jungkook_just him. Okay calm down Jeon, you're not the fucking supreme leader.

"It's okay Taehyung_anyways I'll leave now, I need to make more deliveries." Bogum excuses himself from a glaring Jungkook and leaves.

"Thank you for coming_shop again at PaRfUm eT Au-DeLa!" Jungkook yells enthusiatically waving at Bogum. And people thought that Jungkook is some random questionable creature.

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