Chap 6: Numb

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For the past few days Taehyung was doing okay_ he was receiving lectures like the other students at the university by the substitute professor.

Ofcoarse Sung Woo was furious but he let him because despite refusing to believe that his son was harassed, he wanted to keep Taehyung quiet. His so called dear friend Kang Jinsoo was proved innocent in his eyes because he concluded that it was just a disciplinary measure_only squeezing his shoulder and nothing more. They both are liars and they believed themselves_no one's guilty.

But something good did come out_ Taehyung realized that his father knows he is disobeying him but Sung Woo is forced to stay put just so Taehyung can shut up. He felt that for the first time in forever he has the upper hand even if it's just 0.5 degree angle change of the situation.

But something just hurts him_that now he believes Eunha and how dirty he has gotten_Sung Woo doesn't know this but Taehyung will keep quiet about the situation because he doesn't want to be judged_to be humiliated_he just doesn't want Jungkook to look at him in disgust. He will lose it if Jungkook will ever do that_ he already misses him. It feels like he is slowly drifting apart.

Recently he's been seeing Jungkook hanging out with a girl. He is happy though because the girl's goofiness matches Jungkook's optimism perfectly. He won't admit it but there is a side of him that is jea_ slightly uncomfortable to see him with that girl. Will he forget me? He is telling those stories to that girl, not me_maybe he has forgotten me. Does he talk about me or misses me like I do?_ Why do I think like that, I'm the one who started this. He deserves this.

But the truth is Jungkook misses him so much_ it makes his heart ache.

Another glorious day to walk in his business class and he knows that once he gets inside he will slightly be relieved to not see the pervert_instead another equally passionate professor but she focused more on teaching than touching. To be honest Taehyung admired her_maybe that's why he found it bearable to study these subjects.

He was walking down the long hall way towards his class_ but he was suddenly pulled aside by force. It did not give him much time to fathom what actually happened but when he came face to face with that person...

"No_ wh-what are y-you doing h_here?" Taehyung starts shivering again. He was more terrified than ever to realize that he was pulled into the male's washroom. He was sick_then why did he come? Taehyung had hoped that he wouldn't see Jinsoo's face for atleast few more days.

"For my revenge beautiful." and that statement had easily created paranoia in Taehyung's mind.

"What do you want from me!" Taehyung demands.

Jinsoo's hands were like handcuffs that were secured tightly around Taehyung's delicate wrists. Each time he pulls or squirms, Jinsoo's grip tighten around his delicate wrist_ it is for sure that there are bruises there by now.

Taehyung just hates everything about this moment and this man_ the way he stares so bitterly and madly that it made Taehyung feel like he is in Jinsoo's control. Oh how he hated everything about being in someone's control especially a vile man like him who has bad intentions. And his touch was the worst thing ever_it was sickening_it was the filthiest touch that has ever touched him next to Eunha's and Sung Woo's.

"What do I want, you ask!_ I want revenge." and Taehyung thought how petty a man can be for just trying to molest a soul because of just one push in attempt to escape an equally violent act. "Your father is such an arrogant man isn't he_ that man just knows how to ruin a life doesn't he?"

And once again Teahyung was confused_ he wasn't a friend of Sung Woo's? This might be the one of the few times where Taehyung hears from a victim of his father that how cruel Sung Woo has been to him. But this victim has gone far to even harass Taehyung_ now it makes him wonder that he is not just connected to Sung Woo biologically but also_ for revenge_it's like he has just thrown a bone for the dogs to chew on instead. Taehyung feels as if he's logging out of everything.

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