Chap 7: Worth

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Cr to the owner @hhisasihun on Ig ^^^
Waiting... waiting... and more waiting. It was as if the time doesn't seem to pass by and a curtain of illusion was put into view_ they wanted to pretend that everything was alright_that something so insignificant never happened. These white walls of the waiting room were plain and the color itself left no hint of when there will be good news_ when will those doors open to reveal what they call_ hope.

It was already late now but Jungkook insisted on staying while the others went back home_even if he had to stay there within these suffocating walls and sit all night on those uncomfortable chairs of the waiting room. His eyes never left the door, he would often just stare through that small window_praying and hoping that Taehyung would wake up. Right now he was calmer than before.

Before he was so frustrated and in panic mode_he wouldn't stop pacing around the hallways of the hospital. He tried not to break down infront of people also waiting_ but by every passing second it was getting harder. He refused to eat anything provided to him by his friends and he also refused to get his wounds treated_ the wounds he got from punching that old ass pedophile. But right now he did not care if he starved himself or those wounds get worse, he just wants to see Taehyung awake and alright. He wants to see Taehyung's wounds heal, not himself.

This is unlike Jungkook_ usually he is so confident and hopeful but what was he now_ he was heart broken. His confidence has been Taehyung feeling all good and well but all of a sudden when he no longer was in contact with him_ when he saw his life faint_ Jungkook lost it all. He even found ways to blame himself_ he says it's his fault when it's not. He won't forgive himself if Taehyung remains hurt.

And if there is anything that can heal his wounds and return people back the Jungkook they know... it's Taehyung's warmth and presence. That's all he needs_nothing else but him.

Boyoung arrives shortly with a small basket containing food_apparently she was informed about this_also HyungSik. They decided to handle Taehyung's situation. Obviously the Kims were informed about Taehyung's situation and did pay the hospital bills, however, they decided to only pick Taehyung up once he is discharged.

Jungkook was angry at them both but at the same time he was fucking relieved that those horrible monsters won't be there to torment Taehyung furthermore, it's better if Taehyung heals on his own with the Jeons taking care of him. Hyungsik and Bo Young were very upset and furious about the situation and what happened to Taehyung so they decided to take warrant on Jinsoo for arrest. Once Taehyung discharges_ he will testify and get the fucker punished. Right now Jinsoo is just held captive.

As for Sung Woo and Eunha they couldn't care less for their son_ when Sung Woo heard that Jinsoo was going to be arrested, he did not feel anything. He was fine with everything because eveything he has had with Jinsoo was history and now he s much powerful_people won't believe Jinsoo since he is now going to be arrested for being convicted of sexual harassment and abuse. Though he luckily chose to be oblivious of who were the warrants_ that made it easier for the Jeons to take the situation in their own hands. Like so the Kims did not care.

"Jungkook?" Bo Young taps on Jungkook's shoulder and the younger immediately turns around engulfing her in a hug. He really needed that extra comfort and Bo Young understood her son so she let him as one hand gently pats his back while the other holds the small basket.

"Mom I'm so happy to see you_ I-I can't_ Mom Taehyung he-he is inside and he isn't awake y-yet." He just didn't want to break down again because having itchy red eyes and a dry ass throat was painful as fuck.

"I know son, I know. Don't worry we have everything in our control now. Taehyung will be fine." she assures and they depart from the hug. "You know, I knew you wouldn't come home while he's in there." she says softly and they both take a seat next to each other.

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