Chap 14: Flicker

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Fire and ice or fire and gasoline_ both of them have a reaction that destroys upon interaction because their relationship has an imbalance. The blast created is a deep wound that one can't forget because how can one forget their first love?

Maybe you love someone so much and don't realize that the fire you have for them_is what they control you with because once you are vulnerable by their love and so lost in it, they might take advantage at you. They'll throw that gasoline on your fire_that hatred that were so oblivious of and destroy that spark.

Sunmi felt the same way when she thought about him_ the spark for love has died in her heart ever since he left her. She hates how vulnerable she gets when someone says love_ she can't just love anymore, she's scared already.

Over the past few month Jimin and Sunmi have gotten closer. They hangout more often and their paths mindlessly find each other somehow. It confuses Sunmi so much because when her brain tells her that her attraction towards him is a myth but her heart tells her that it's okay to let her walls break_ She reminds herself that she can't be vulnerable again.

"You coming to the new year masquerade party at the campus?" Jimin asks_ he wanted to ask her out.

"Yes." she says and she prays that he may ask no further.

"Any partner yet?"

"Yes, he's a class fellow." She says_ honestly she could've chosen Jimin as her partner but he's a threat to her. Her heart.

Jimin frowns because he wasn't having it_ he doesn't want to be there watching this girl dancing with a random guy who she doesn't have a good interaction with.

"Dump him, come with me." he says in a firm tone_ he knows she is doing this on purpose.

The other girl was shocked_ she thought he would just walk away or reply with an 'oh yeah, cool.' Anything but that. She admits that there is a tension between them that lures them into each other but she doesn't want that. She doesn't want to be hurt again.

"What?" she faces him and can instantly tell by his expression that he was hurt but wanted to redeem things.

"Dump him and come to the masquerade with me."


"Do it!" Jimin loses his chill and yells

"Sunmi leave that prick and come with me, I'm your man."

It sounds so similar and it made her scared_ last time she dumped her date with an innocent guy and followed the guy who lured her into his dark spell, she had her heart shatter and the spark died_it took her an entire year to bring the little joy back to her_she was suicidal. That memory with this present situation strikes her like a trauma.

She backs away slowly from him with a horrified expression. Jimin was confused as to why she reacted this way. He felt a little pressured and guilty and approached her to calm her down but she flinched and moves further back.

"Sunmi, what happened? I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" Jimin feels like an idiot to say that_he could've siad it nicely and politely but look where it has gotten him to ignore it.

"Do you think I'm easy Jimin?" she asks in a small voice


"Yes or no?"

"No" Jimin answers "But please tell me why you asked me that?"

Sunmi breaks down crying and it all happened so suddenly. And she asks herself is this the best decision? Will she let Jimin see like this? But why did she do that? Because the answer is simple. Her heart has overpowered her mind and she wants to feel that love and affection_Jimin is the closest to have ever reached to her core after her heart break.

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