Chap 17: Masquerade

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"Kookie don't provoke me, I have to go home."

"That's not your home." 

It was morning, the second day of Taehyung staying over at the Jeons but he decided to go home for today. Because he doesn't want his parents to be suspicious of him_he can always lie that it was some kind of group study and a fri- no an aquaintance offered him to stay.

And also because he doesn't want Jungkook to see him before the masquerade party tonight at 11pm. He wants to get ready in peace and besides that the mask is always an event of mystery and excite_he doesn't want to spoil that.

"Please Kook try to understand."


"I'll kill you."

"But I-"

"I won't hesitate." the blonde won't do it but he can threaten the other, can't he?

"Fine but first..." he leans in "I want my kiss."

"Jungkook I'llSeeYouLater. NowBye!" and Taehyung was out of the car running towards the mansion leaving a whiny Jungkook behind but he can wait for tonight.

His phone rings and he picks it up... Appa, the caller ID read. 

"Sup old Jeon."

"I'm not old you brat but come back home, you have a job to do."

"What job?" Jugkook asks confused.

"It's an important business son, we don't talk about it on the phone."

"Fine." I'm coming.

Jungkook drives away to the location his father sent him_he was curious as to why his father would have a very urgent business with his son at the hospital.

Maybe something would've happened_something bad but Hyung Sik sounded so carefree_a mischievous glint in his voice, very playful something not to worry about.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with" he shrugs

But what he doesn't know is that a very bitter truth awaits him soon.

Taehyungs checks his appearance in the length view mirror again and again making sure that nothing is missing because he wants to look good tonight_ he might be a quiet and a shy one but he loves dressing up and also that mask...

It was absolutely stunning.

Once he was done getting ready he grabs his mask and head downstairs. Sung Woo and Eunha were there sitting in the lounge minding their own business

Well they pretended they were but from the corner of their eyes they watched Taehyung failing to control his smile.

The fact that he looked awfully happy confused them and made them a bit mad because they want to control him, rule over his emotions and destroy him like they always do but Taehyung who seems so happy now is infuriating for them both.

Taehyung on the other hand had an urge to just go out and away from the uncomfortable silence in this household. His shop and Jungkook's house are miracle places for him to escape this blank void of harsh and silence.

So he gets out and sighs contently feeling the night breeze caress his blond locks_ the outside world smells like freedom and it's merrier. 

He had Jimin and Sunmi waiting for him a bit farther from the mansion because they'll be driving him to the campus.

"Did you see that_he was actually smiling." Eunha says bitterly. Never has she seen Taehyung with any other emotion rather then sadness, regret, blankness and more sadness.

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