Chap 10: Drunk

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All was going well with them. Taehyung recovered and he changed_ he did not give a fuck or two if Sung Woo and Eunha have to taunt him. If he wants to be showered with compliments and the attention that he deserve, he turns their back on them because_ everyone: Jimin, Hoseok, Lisa, Jenny, Heachan, Jungkook and even SeokJin are just a phone call away. They'll help him escape that disaster for few moments.

He's been doing pretty good with studies with Haechan's help but he just can't wait to get out of the class and open his laptop in a cafe or a library so he could take his own favorite classes_ he's been enjoying alot lately and since he's already very good at art it's no trouble for him to continue. He's way far from where his dreams stand but in his heart he feels like he is 'this' close to succeed in that path.

As for Jungkook he is very confused right now because he's been feeling some kind of way infront of Taehyung. He can't stop staring at him, thinking about him when he is not there, clinging to him but blushing madly and then cursing himself as he distance himself and he's been feeling very giddy around him but how dumb can this bunny headed person be to not fucking realize that he likes Taehyung in a not so friendly kind of a way. Heck he should've realized that the way he treats Taehyung is different from any person_ is his subconscious that fucking clogged to realize that he's been single for a whole mother fucking 19 years now_ sheesh!

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder_ Jungkook's eyes don't lie when they see the eathreal blonde.

How can a person be so perfect_ his chocolaty orbs that hold so much charm in them that he couldn't help but get so engaged in them. And when the sun kisses his ta skin and natural blonde hair, he looks like super natural. God he's been missing out_ ofcoarse he's been with Taehyung for pretty much his whole life, from his childhood days to the teenage ones but the way sees him now is different_ damn Taehyung, you're gorgeous!

"What do you think of this Jungkook?" Taehyung asks him holding out the rough sketch towards the ravenette who seemed to be so lost in his trance that all he saw was the blonde's lips moving.

And just like that, he unconsciously lean on the table with his hands automatically resting under his chin to make him look as if he's watching Taehyung dreamily_ he's a dreamy man...

And Taehyung was very flustered_ he was blushing so hard. Dang he is always blushing this hard when he sees Jungkook looking at him like that. The way he stares at Taehyung is so precious as if he's got a hold of a beautiful scenery and he must please his eyes with that aesthetic.

But it was not helping the blonde when they were not exactly alone_ yeah they were at a cafe right now with their whole friend group, however, the others didn't mind they were just making lenny faces and watching the show. Which did not go unnoticed by Taehyung_ he wanted to fucking melt and flow down the cracks into nothingness. The boy was simply embarrassed.

"Um Jungkook..." he says trying to get the other's attention. Why is he blankly starring? Is he zoned out or lost in a thought? Well yes dear Taehyung, you are that thought frankly. "Jungkook!" he raised his voice a bit.

"Yes beautiful?"...

Where the fuckity fucking hell mother of hOlY sHiTs and spoon of wasabi did that come out from? Stoopid boi! Jugkook thought and freaked out as he got out of his trance. he is so embarrassed and can't believe he just fucking said that! Obviously Taehyung is beautiful, someone not being in their right mind and blind fucking assholes would deny that but why_ just why did it come out so effortlessly as if he meant it.

The whole audience infront of them had their jaw dropped to the floor at Jungkook's response. Man this boy is actually so whipped and still this blunt. They were anxious but couldn't help and feel the second hand embarrassment. Because first, you are damn oblivious of you having a crush on your best friend since like fucking damn forever and Second, you have that audacity to spill the tea just like that.

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