Chap 2: Unforgettable

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"Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before_"

"Okay Eomma, I get it." Jungkook laughs at his extra mother. He adjusted his graduation gown which was dark navy color with a decorated silver lace at the borders and the opening. He has parted his raven hair because he knows the power his forehead holds.

"Well I can compliment my baby all I want. You've grown so..." Bo Young thought of the perfect word "giAnTe~" (giant but Xtra!)

Jungkook scoffs and says "Maybe because you are so tiny." well he did get hit on the head by his mother but none the less chuckles. "We should leave now." he says an Bo Young agrees.

The Jeon family headed towards the car, all ready to leave for his school because today Jungkook would be graduating highschool. To say he was happy would be an underestimation but he thanked the fuck out the universe and lord that that hell was over. Though he would miss the teachers who he clowned and teased a lot during his classes. But the graduation wasn't the only reason why he was so excited today_like always he can't wait to see Taehyung.

But he was also worried because unlike other students, today might not be the happiest day for him because when all families gather up for the annual picture, he knows the Kims won't be there next to his son. It's not like that Taehyung is too fond of his parents, it's just that a feeling of emptiness will always be there and ofcoarse the envy would be felt as well.

"Son, you seem a bit off. is everyhing all right?" Hyung Sik asks.

"I was thinking about Taehyung." he replies which made the Jeon couple look at each other and then back at Jungkook "Sung Woo and Eunha wouldn't be there and I thought maybe Taehyung would feel lonely." he frowns.

Hyung Sik understood Jungkook and assures him that it won't be that way "I think they shouldn't be there anyways. Sung Woo and Eunha will embarrass Taehyung on his special day."

"You think?" Jugkook asks still unsure of everything Hyung Sik said.

"I'll leave that to you because you know." he says and that's all it takes Jungkook to shut up and think about it.

They soon reached the school and the ravenette was in awe to see the decoration. It made him question if this is even his own school that looked like a prison to him before. Ribbons, flowers, fairy lights and even huge banners decorated so beautifully with the text saying 'Graduates of 2016, congratulations.' (a/n: I just chose a random year lol). The atmosphere was different as well because it radiated joy and harmony since everyone was with their families_ mostly because they weren't going study but enjoy instead.

He was shocked to see how his teachers also did not look like dictators and much rather like normal humans dressed up well and happily greeted the students and their parents. There was laughter and loud chit chats amoungst friends and families. It was beautiful and a very special day indeed.

"Wow, to think I had to go through this hell once_it's completely different." Jungkook says. The other two agreed as well and they walked to the main hall where the parents had to seated as the audience.

"Jungkook you're here!" Jimin exclaims and Jungkook pretended to not hear because of an obvious reason.

"Did I hear something? I can't see though." and just like that he received a smack.

"Where are the others." he asks while rubbing his head.

"They are at the front with the other graduates. Let's go." Jimin says and Jungkook happily follows.

Upon reaching the front he saw Hoseok, Yugyeom, Mingyu, Lisa, Jenny and Mark but he did not see Taehyung. He frowned and looked around for him but he did not see him so he got worried. Maybe he felt so sad and decided not to show up. When the others saw Jungkook visiably sulk, they knew it was because of Taehyung because they have been practically inseparable. The girls had decided that Jeon Jungkook was totally whipped for the other but they also knew how thick his skull is and he'll remain oblivious of it.

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