Chap 24: Merry

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Some events repeat themselves and it's not bad because nostalgia can be a very beautiful reminder of how far one has come.

Taehyung finds himself sitting in the back seat of the car and the Kim couple at the front. The location of the dinner was same_ the Japanese Sakura resturant where it all began...

This time there was music in the car, happy chatterings, Seok Jin being a drama queen and Namjoon trying his best not be clumsy while he's driving and Taehyung_ he's enjoying their company as he sits carefree and smilling.

And Jungkook also decides that he doesn't have to flex about his driver license all the tike. Today he too will join his parents in the car and relive the memory of his childhood.

He's excited, very excited today because today is Taehyung's big day. And he can't wait to see his reaction_ knowing Taehyung he'd be too overwhelmed so Jungkook will be by his side.

It magical almost unbelieveable for the ravenette to witness the beautifulest smile, the most heart warming laughter from the eathreal blond_ When they first met, Taehyung looked like he was foriegn to Eunha and Sung, that he was but with Seok Jin and Namjoon he's glowing and utterly happy.

Amd that's exactly how Taehyung viewed Jungkook when they first met as kids.

We were only seven...

"Ah now this is the dinner I can enjoy without worrying about the witch." Bo Young dead pants and everyone laughs.

"Nice to meet you Bo Young-shi." Jin greets.

"Now this is a man of class. Me too Jin-shi." she greets back.

The aura wasn't tense as it was years ago_ it was light, plesant and much merrier.

Taehyung wasn't sitting stiffly or zoned out but he was more interractive and bubbly_ Oh how hidden was this true side of the blonde who had very random things to say. Taehyung is sociable_ yes he is and the past doesn't define that.

For Jungkook he couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful blonde_ before his eyes held curiosity and all his instincts screamed at him to just befriend Taehyung and they still hold that curiousity but with a lot of love.

And when they make eye contact, the time stops and they are in a wonderland lost in that gaze.

The Jeons, Kims and the friends ate the dinner in peace_ not quiet it was getting hard to swallow because of Jin's joke and obnoxiously contagious laughter.

"Come on now guys, eat up!" Bo Young scolds but it was clear she too couldn't control her self.

The dinner was over and while they waited for the bill, Namjoon and Seok Jin decided it was time_ no more interruptions or waiting.

They eyed the Jeons once and they understood. Everyone except Taehyung held their breaths in anticipation.

"So um Taehyung." Jin says getting the other's attention.

"Yes?" he asks. It was starting to get unusual when everyone went silent and all eyes were on him.

"We have something for you Taehyung." Jin says "Remember when Jungkook gave you a deadline for your surprise? We decided to wait a bit until Jungkook recovers and discharges_ today is the day for it to tell you."

Taehyung is confused of the shakey sigh Jin lets out at the end but he could sense it_even if Jin was nervous he was going to feel relieved soon enough.

Namjoon pulls out a doccument and placed on the table infront of Taehyung. Hyung Sik thanks the angels that this doccument won't be bothering him for years to come.

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