Chap 8: Daffodil

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"Enogfh." (enough) Taehyung says with his mouth stuff with food.

"He's gonna choke bitch, slow down." Jenny yells from the other side.

Taehyung had his mouth full of food and Jungkook had the chopsticks already loaded ready to feed the other. The scene was comical with others just looking at them with amusement and then we have Jungkook who has a serious face with loaded chopsticks and Taehyung struggling to swallow... everything was back to normal. Kind of.

Jungkook has been very over-protective of Taehyung now a days. Yes he was still recovering and in the hospital but his parents made it clear that if this effects his studies then he should prepare himself for consequences but luckily Taehyung made a new friend from his business class_Haechan. He's adorable and very smart and he's been helping him. Not once did Eunha and Sung Woo visit but Taehyung really did not care actually_he's fine because he is finally talking to Jungkook.

They talked about it_everything actually. Why Taehyung avoided Jungkook and everything that Jinsoo caused him to do. Jungkook just felt awful that the other was suffering this much_ and it's Taehyung's insecurity that just shattered him. He wanted to tell him that he is not like that and he'll never leave Taehyung that miserable and alone ever and Eunha can just go fuck herself with all the fucking dirt she has to give. Yes our beast boi said that.

Taehyung was relieved to hear that_maybe he needed to hear that in the first place so that Jungkook could've managed it. Taehyung admits that it's his mistake to avoid the other in the first place_he never wanted Jungkook to worry and lose his color.

But sadly Taehyung just can't convince himself enough that he's pure and clean_ he just keeps going back to the sexual harassment and he keeps thinking that what will the students from his class_the entire university think of him. It makes him paranoid and his friends noticed that_ they just can't help it because he zones out all of a sudden as if he's trying to escape reality.

Jungkook notices and he feels guilty_so he tries his level best to cheer him up. He just wants to take the pain away from him.

"Hurry up Tae, you've barely eaten. Look how much is left in the box." Jungkook scolds. Well Taehyung ate plenty_it's just Jungkook brought extra ass food that is enough to feed the entire hospital staff.

Taehyung was done chewing and he swallowed the food. He quickly makes a shield infront of his friend to stop Jungkook from feeding him. And yes Jungkook was pissed "Hey, come on. Taehyung don't do that." he demands but Taehyug refuses.

The others in the room were trying to control their laugh. "Move your hands away from your face."

"Kookie, I'm full and if you keep feeding me, I'll vomit." and this time Taehyung removes his hands from his face and Jungkook is met with a cute little innocent pout on his face. That fucking pout! Jungkook internally curses. It's his fucking weakness and yes he does put the chopsticks down. Taehyung can breath now. Well from that day onwards eery encounter they have is with Jugkook babying Taehyung_ well in his defense Taehyung does look like one draped in white hospital sheets and IV strip on his arm_he looked tiny.

"Great and I thought Taehyung would fucking explode." Lisa mocks and Jungkook just rolls his eye_ woah who's being so edgy today, eh?

"Yeah then we would collect his pieces and rush to the operation room." Jimin taunts furthermore. And so all of them one by one piled up excuses against Jungkook and the ravenette tried to defend himself.

Honestly they were lucky to have been alive that moment_well if it wasn't for Taehyung's giggling, Jungkook would've wiped them out of existence. He's been through alot and even if Jungkook has to humiliate himself for just a single twitch towards Taehyung's smile_ he'll do it. He'll fucking do it because Taehyung has a magical boxy smile that Jungkook can't help but admire. Fucking whipped bunny ass but thick skulled.

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