Chap 25: Jovial

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Cr to twt:aaomelon ^^^

The courtroom was huge and there was tention in the air, tention for Sung Woo and his lawyer while the Jeons and the Kims sat confidently.

Namjoon and Jin had waited for this moment for so long and now they will finally get to see Sung Woo amd Eunha behind bars.

For the first in forever the two weren't wearing the fancy outfits or emitted a proud expensive aura_ And after the incident it was Eunha's first time seeing Sung Woo like that. She could only hate him more than ever now.

"Your honor" Min Yoongi begins and Hoseok braces himself at the back.

"This man here has been taken in Mr Jeon Hyung Sik's and Mr Kim Namjoon's custody for arrest for commiting crimes that include acts of murder, prostitute trafficings and many other scandalous acts concerning the black market. Taking a loan a from the black market and attempt on selling his wife Kim Eunha and then adopted son Kim Taehyung as prostitutes.

"He has known to have hoard fraud and illegal tax exempted investment and equipements into his business, abuse workers and even force their families to surrender for his wishes."

The crowd errupts with disgusting whispers towards Sung Woo. Sung Woo always craved attention and had his fearful ways to get it but this wasn't the type of attention he was looking for.

"Kim Namjoon and Kim Seok Jin are Sung Woo's former victims of the vile act of surrendering.

"Kim Seok Jin had Kim Taehyung through surrogacy and he is rightfully thier son, however, upon finding out that Kim Namjoon is gay and is married to a man and has a child, Sung Woo had Taehyung kidnapped by his men on gun point. The root concern is how Sung Woo had spies to inform him about Namjoon's personal life. Not concented."

"Objection my lord." Sung Woo's lawyer stood up "Kim Namjoon had signed a doccument that his personal information will be given to the company."

Yoongi sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "May we have Kim Namjoon on the stand?"

"You may." the judge announces and Namjoon walks up to the stand.

"Did you sign the contract for the personal information?" the opposing lawyer asks.

"Yes I did." Namjoon answers honestly.

The lawyer smirks and looks at the judge "There you have it your honor."

This dumb bitch...Yoongi felt like he was working with someone less than a beginer.

"The contract states-" Min Yoongi reads something out of the paper "the only personal information here necessary is the email adress, previous jobs, health records, family record wasn't necessary at all just skills and average pay that's all. Where the hell does it say appoint spies to fuck in my business?" Yoongi asks the lawyer only for him to look down in embarassment.

"Silence." he mocks the other "Good. Stop wasting your energy here."

"The incident at highway where Jeon Jungkook was shot bas also been taken into witness by inspector Han and his officers here and we have the bullet that was shot and the gun here as well." Yoongi's secretary puts the evidenve on the table for everyone to see.

"Objection my lord." the lawyer gets up again " The bullet was meant for Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook just jumped in."

Yoongi face palms and the noise echoes through the court room. The man was trying too hard "My God. How does that prove him innocent?"


"Shut up." Min Yoongi frowns and continues.

Sung Woo on the other hand glared at his lawyer who spoke up for him twice but ended up embarassing them both.

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