Chap 26: Miraculous

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Jungkook just got off work and is now heading to Perfum et Audela to pick up his boyfriend so that they can go home together after lunch.

"Babe!" Taehyung exclaims as he sees Jungkook, quickly jumping into his arms and pecking his lips.

Jungkook smiles as he looks at his lover "Someone seems excited."

"Yeah, we just sold out Jennie's new SOLO collection. I'm so happy babe!" Taehyung tells and Jungkook chuckles at his cuteness.

Well the place started as a scent, cake, decoration and event booking store with decent amount of customers_ Taehyung's heart always swelled when he watches a new customer enter and leaving content ajd the become a regular.

It was all in his soft, kind attitude and the talent of knowing what exactly the other person wants is what made people incline to him_ Jungkook already told him that his beautiful personality will make everything good possible for him and he was right...

Five years have gone by and things have changed. The store is a big business now, the most trusted in Seoul. Taehyung's dream finally came true.

Yes five years have gone by and there hasn't been a day they have drifted apart, the universe hasn't seen a day where Jungkook looks at Taehyung and his heart doesn't skip a beat. The universe hasn't seen a day where Taehyung looks at Jungkook and doesn't realize how lucky he has been in this life.

Only 1 year ago they both had decided to get an apartment and move in together_ as much Jin wanted Taehyung to stay with him being deprived of his presence all those years, he also realized that Taehyung will always be his child even if he moves out, besides he's a growing boy, a man now and he has to live independent.

Jungkook made sure to buy an apartment near the Kim's so Taehyung can go visit them time to time.

"I am not wearing those bunny ears Taehyung." Jungkook scoffs "They don't look like me." he says pointing at the rabbits behind the fences.

Taehyung looks apologetically to the rabbits and back at his stubborn lover. "Look you are offending them and who said they look like you? I said you look like them."

"It's the same thing."

"No it's not_ Jungkook just wear the ears please."


"Please for me." Taehyung uses a baby tone and pouts at the other. Jungkook had to look away.

"Oh for fuck sake!"

"Fine! give me those." Taehyung lets out a small 'yay!' and puts the bunny ears on Jungkook's head.

They still had alot of time left with them so they decided to go on a mini date at an antique market where Taehyung happens to find a bunch of rabbits behind the fence a small shop selling party costumes_ he just happens to buy the ears.

"So can we have rabbit stew?"

"I don't support canibalism Kookie." Taehyung drags him away.

It's nothing new for Jungkook to be constantly dragged around by the other_ he just follows and enjoys his lover's company.

They are like a typical couple_ Taehyung tries on different jeweleries or scarfs and asks the other how he looks. Jungkook doesn't even have to look up to say that the blonde looks beautiful but because of constant whinning by the other, he does look and is blown away by that cheeky excited smile.

Also the ravenette never complains when he watches his beautiful lover skip happily from stall to stall trying stuff and buying them while he holds all of the bags that has Taehyung's stuff in it_ because when he sees the other glow and be so cheery, he can only smile back let the other be lost in his own trance.

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