Chap 11: Escapism

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Taehyung woke up to a glorious view_ he was on Jungkook's bed and stripped naked under the covers while his eye stare at Jungkook's wet shirtless backs as his sexy muscles flex. The boy wanted to slap himself_ he half wished for it to be real when he was panicking so hard right now_ he wanted to go back to sleep and wake up when Jungkook was asleep or has a shirt on.

And why the fuck is he entirely naked? He really regrets getting drunk but that's what he needed at that time_ he knew he had to pay the price for it with a bitchy headache but what in the world happened last night? Everything he remembers was a blur and him with a broken smile as he danced the night away and drank his problems away.

And then Jungkook suddenly turns around_ Taehyung was already blushing and now he was red. Jungkook's abs were on full display_ his body is chiseled and sculpted so perfectly and it doesn't help Taehyung when Jungkook has wet hair and he's walking towards him with a glass of water and a painkiller in his hands. The side was hot and just can't seem to look away.

The blond had to turn his eyes the other way_ yeah the walls are very pretty interesting, Nice color of choice Kook. And he forgot how to breath when Jungkook's arms stretched infront of him to put the pill and the glass on the side table. He was sitting so close to him.

It's his first time seeing Jungkook shirtless and Taehyung is extremely shy right now. He isn't used to seeing Jungkook like this but he has admitted that Jungkook is a muscular pig who can easily man handle him but that too with innocent excuses like 'Kookie you are so strong, give me a piggy back ride.' .But inorder for that Jungkook never had to take his shirt off, he was still clothed.

He couldn't risk anything_ Taehyung had to look away and that too with rosy cheeks.

Taehyung's reaction was so pure_ he'd get a nose bleed from looking at Jungkook who looks like a snacc. Jungkook smirks and feels proud to have an effect like that on Taehyung.

"Take this, it will help with your headache." Jungkook spoke. Taehyung looked like smol bean hidden inside the fluffy comforter_Jungkook almost coed but he had to remind himself that he's kind of mad at the blond.

Taehyung sensed that and got worried "Kookie?" he calls in a small voice as he watches Jungkook pull out a white shirt from his closet and quickly puts it on.

"Um you s-sound mad." he says in a small voice but Jungkook still had his back turned "Kookie, look at me." and Jungkook groans because he knew Taehyung was pouting. That damn pout has him weak and he turns around. Taehyung looks like a squishy ball with a pout on his face and cheeks puffed up.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Jungkook says looking at the side rolling his tongue inside his cheeks_that's when you know he's mad and for some odd reason it made Taehyung shiver. The shivers felt so good but he was intimidated by the other.

"No." he says and panics "Kookie, why am I naked? And also what happened last night?" he pleads through his eyes.

Jungkook can't keep him waiting_ you shouldn't joke with a drunk person and Taehyung is extra conscious, Jungkook doesn't want him to worry.

"Taehyung last night I saw a side of you, I thought I wouldn't see." he speaks is low voice. "You were shameless baby." he rasps and Taehyung felt that tingle again. And 'baby' _ Taehyung doesn't know how to describe what he feels about that but it was too much for his heart.

"You were so immersed in dancing that you didn't care if people were watching you but that's what being drunk and partying is about right? To get lost." he sits on the bed the sudden dip made the others breath hitch.

"And then you started grinding against some strangers_ good service there, Tae." his strong arm went either sides of him. Jungkook knew what he was doing but he was about to pass out as well. Taehyung looked very innocent but the images of last night made him look like a tease_ it was driving him crazy.

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