Chap 12: Other Side

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"We got it but we still have to make it look presentable." Jenny says as she hands Taehyung a paintbrush and he groans. Now that the place is cleaned out of boxes and the dust_ it looks way more bigger than he saw it 4 months ago.

"That's too much wall to cover." He whines and looks at Jenny with a pout, thinking she might give in but she just shrugs him off and starts painting one side of the wall. "You're not a good person to me." he rolls his eyes and eventually gives in to painting his side.

"Stop whining you big baby, this is step one to what we can do later." she cheers and Taehyung agrees because she was right.

Taehyung had just 2 more months left before he completes him online event management coarses and gets his degree mailed to him. He has learned alot and it was about time him and Jenny should start this business.

Getting the shop on his favorite street was a big surprise for him_ It was Jungkook and Jenny who had purchased it and kept it a secret from him. When revealed, Taehyung was very happy_ he couldn't thank the angels enough for being blessed with such good friends and he cried_ he cried with joy that his life was coming together one by one.

"Oh shit, Tae I'm sorry to leave you here but I have to go home and change up. Lisa is going to take me out on a date." Jenny tells and taehyung totally understands.

"It's okay Jen, I'll be fine." he insures.

"Just don't stay here late, go back home when it's late." She tells as she rushes out the shop.

It was getting very lonely here and painting the walls white was getting boring as hell_ he could've called Jungkook for some company but he did not want to get distracted. Also painting was kinda growing on him, he just can't wait to be done with the white soon and get on with designing_ he has so many ideas in his mind and he just can't wait.

Taehyung was so immersed in painting the walls that he didn't notice someone entering the store and stand directly behind him. Jungkook leaned against the dry wall and cocked his head to the side as he watched the blonde. He admires the back view of his thin waist and that plump butt_ Taehyung is perfectly curved at the right parts of his body and it was tempting for Jungkook to look at him like this.

He gently lets his arms make their way around his thin fragile waist and pull him back towards his chest. Taehyung gasps and freaks out. He was about to hit his man hood with his free legs when he was suddenly placed on the counter top making him face Jungkook.

"The fuck! Jungkook don't scare me like that." he yells and hits the other's chest with his gentle fists.

Jungkook laughs and holds both his by his side on the counter "Hello, to you too beautiful." he rasps inching closer and as much as Taehyung wants to blush, give in and shy away_ he pushes Jungkook back and rolls his eyes. He loves it when Jungkook calls him beautiful.

"Shut up Kook, I have work to do." he tells him.

"Why don't you give yourself a break and let me do it."

"Well that's very thoughtful of you, I thought you would_ never mind." Taehyung says and looks away. He wants to know what his God forsaken stupid brain was thinking when he was saying that.

"Do what baby?"Jungkook smirks and sneakily slides his hand on his thighs_ he hates how the fabric of the jeans was coming in the way.

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden contact, he likes the sensual touches but he feels like a deer caught in the spotlight. "I said nothing, Kookie." he lies and Jungkook grabs his thighs_ Taehyung almost, almost moans because it felt good when the ravenette man handles him.

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