Chap 4: Monsters

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Honestly Taehyung was very much overwhelmed to see the amount of students at the campus. There were many people and Taehyung hates crowds because they just make him lose his way and also because there are many judgemental people in there. Maybe he would've bared it if any of his friends were here with him. This university was big and unfortunately the business department was farther from the other ones where his friends were. Jimin and Hoseok study law, Jungkook studies architecture and Jenny and Lisa are in the BHU art school. Those departments were closer to each other and shared the same surrounding garden but why does the business department have to be at the very back_just why?

To say that Taehyung was nervous was an understatement_he was actaully sweating in the dry whether. He was never a fan of crowded places. Even when he was in school_Jungkook would always be by his side and would assure him that he won't get lost. When he was younger, Eunha and Sung Woo would take him to adult business parties and just leave Taehyung mingling in the crowd. He would feel so lonely and small under the stares of other people.

During the break he was trying to prepare himself to face the crowd and just go with the flow. He just has to take 4 hours of lecture and hurry back to his friends. Yeah easy...

The first class had started and Taehyung sat there with a bunch of other people who were in their own circle of friends_he felt alone.

"Hello class, I'm professor Kang and I'll be teaching you business administration for the semesters. " he introduces himself. He took in his appearance_he must be around 40 but had a youthful structure and features.

He did not find the class very boring actually maybe because the environment created by the professor himself had captivate the students to learn and maybe because the chairs were actually comfortable?_ it wasn't bad. Taehyung caught up with him pretty easily.

Just when he thought everything was alright something bothered him and he wanted to know why. He was fine and a tad bit interested in the topic but felt a little uneasy when Mr Kang would divert his eyes from the presentation to the middle row specifically where Taehyung sat. The glint in his eyes wasn't evil, nor friendly but his stare but incohesive_ he couldn't pin point it but it was sharp, piercing and intimidating. Maybe he must be a tiny bit of paranoid to think this_ why is he staring at me? Or is it because the middle row a bit higher and the angled where the professor looks often? But shouldn't he be making eye contact with everyone not just the middle row_ me?

But he still felt that discomfort for hours till the class went on...

Even when they were given a silent moment to jot down some strategies_ Taehyung couldn't think properly because he felt a gaze piercing into him. He debated whether to look up or just keep staring own like the other students. He decided to look up and regret it. The professor had a steady expression yet a creepy face when he looked at the blonde.

Why is he staring at me? At this point it was getting suffocating.

"Anything wrong?" the professor asks Taehyung and before the blonde could reply, the man approached him anyway. He stepped behind Taehyung and leaned into his neck to see what he had written "Hmm, interesting."

His creepy hands would often touch his thighs or touch his hands as he would grab the pen "You need to elaborate a bit like this_" but was it really necessary to be this close_was it really necessary to sound so breathy yet disgusting near his ear?

That made the blonde shiver but not in the good kind of a way but rather uncomfortable. He couldn't take it anymore he shot up from his seat and excused himself. He walked normally while heading towards the door but when he reached the door he just ran away_leaving his books and stuff behind.

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