[One More Errand]

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(It seems that my schedule for Sunday is freed up. So what does that mean for my lovely readers? It shall be a day of updates! So essentially, I will be writing out consecutive chapters! But for now, here is chapter seven. Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

After that... unnerving meeting with Sans. I managed to make it to the shop where I left Grillby's glasses yesterday. As I hoped, the lenses were completely repaired and in pristine condition. The poor fire Monster had them slightly cracked when they weren't broken... so I am sure that he'll eventually come to appreciate this.

Putting the black casing into one of my coat pockets, I thanked the woman who handled the work and then left. My first errand that consisted of a meeting was complete. Now I had the glasses... so the last thing on my list was to meet up with someone that I wasn't particularly fond of.

Sighing, I knew that I didn't have to go far to reach the desired building. I just really hated to interact with him. And it didn't help that I was carrying a heavy bag over my shoulders just for this moment. 

A vibration could be felt through my coat pocket, causing me to pull out a phone. Looking at the highlighted screen, I noticed that the phone number was coming from the bar. Whenever I left for a few hours, Grillby would hand me his phone as a precaution... which I appreciated since I never really wanted to carry my own. "Hello?"

"Good morning, (Y/n). Are you coming back soon?" Grillby's voice sounded from the opposite end. He sounded like a father who was out to scorn their child... it was refreshing in its own way.

"I am finalizing one more errand. Did you need something, Grillby?" I asked. I could hear him groaning on the line, probably pinching his nose out of irritation over the question.

"You better not get me anything. Honestly, woman." He started to rant, causing me to laugh. If he got this upset over a minor pick up at a store, then imagine his face once I finish my last task. "Anyway, Sans is here."

"Oh?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Where was Grillby going with this?

Soon after, I could hear some shuffling over the phone... and then, a much more gruff voice spoke. "Heya, little miss."

"Good morning, Sans. I trust that you are well?" Hmm... my speech is going to start sounding similar to my informant cover if I'm not careful.

"Yeah, I'm doin' alright. Heard that ya went out early to run some errands?" Well.. this conversation seems strangely casual.

"Of course. Although... I am almost finished. Why?" I asked. Sans was acting unusual today. Then again, interacting with him earlier through my informant ploy probably made him fairly content. After all, another Human wasn't rude to him or anything. He was probably really feeling like a jerk by now.

"Heh. I brought you some tea as a peace offerin'. Grillbz said that ya really like it." Ohhh. Now I understand. Sans wanted more information.

"Alright. I will be at the bar in about thirty minutes. I am just running my final errand." I stated with a small chuckle.

"Kay. See ya then, sweets." And with that, I hung up. It seemed like perfect timing since I was now standing in front of a larger building. It was obviously owned by someone who was slightly over middle class in their gain of money.

Knocking on the door politely, I waited for some kind of response. It didn't come for a good two minutes, but eventually, the door did open to reveal a man that I despised.

He smelt like an ash tray, wore jeans with a white shirt and dark green coat. "So you're here? Lets get down to business."

After he muttered those words, I was accepted into his home. He led me further in where the scent of smoke became worse. I wanted to gag at the smell, but I held myself back since it'd only cause a problem.

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