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(I had time so I updated chapter twenty seven for you guys today... hard to believe that we only have thirteen chapters left! This chapter is also very long, I wanted to do a little extra so I am sorry for my lack in consistency. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

I could tell that something was very wrong with Sans. He seemed a little distracted, but calm all at the same time. I still had ten more hours to spend with him, and it was getting late into the night. He was leaned back comfortably into his couch, an arm stretched out along the top behind me. "You're lying."

"M' not, sweets." He added with a small wink.

"There is no way that anyone could possibly consume that much ketchup without getting ill..." I began, trying to picture him actually drinking the condiment. It was still hard to believe... "Prove it."

"Heh, cant do that." Sans mused, chuckling deeply as he caught my tired stare of disbelief. "Grillbz stopped making it so..."

He trailed off suddenly, unable to continue his sentence as he thought about his old preferred drink. I was good at keeping his mind off of yesterday, but that didn't change how he currently felt. Earlier today, he put on fake expressions before bringing me here... they were subtle, but I caught them.

Before I could say anything else, a loud knock sounded at the door. Actually, it would be more accurate to say pounded. "SANS? COME ON YOU LAZY SKELETON! DON'T YOU DARE BAIL OUT ON US!"

"Oh great..." Sans muttered out, practically groaning at the interruption.

Moments later, the door almost fell off its hinges... slamming open against the wall to reveal a tall looking fish-like Monster. "FUHUHUHU... SO... YOU THOUGHT THAT YOU COULD AVOID GAME NIGHT, HUH?"

Undyne completely froze when she saw me, her eyes widening briefly in surprise. "HEY... you're that punk..."

I gave her a small wave, but stopped once I felt Sans' arm move around my shoulders to drag me into his side. She seemed very well dressed, just like most of the members in this mafia... her hair was a deep red color, and she had an eyepatch covering a single eye. "You've met her already?"

"Duh. Yeah, I saw her about four years ago?" Undyne began, trailing off slightly as her grin lowered. She seemed to be in thought while Sans gave her a look of confusion. "It's been awhile- didn't get your name back then, punk!"

"(Y/n)." I stated, causing Undyne to throw her head back in a laugh. I doubt that Sans was expecting for her to come up to the couch, and grab me from his hold in a single swift movement. To be honest, even I was somewhat surprised by her agility.

"WELL, (Y/N). YOU TWO CAN KEEP HAVING YOUR DATE AT GAME NIGHT." Undyne basically yelled. She had a single arm hooked under my stomach, holding me close to her side... I didn't know how to feel about any of this right now. Both of my arms were loosely hung in front of me, I was way too exhausted to fight back against her. Yesterday drained me of that kind of energy.

"And what makes ya think that m' goin', Undyne?"

She snickered at him before gesturing towards me. "Because that's where she'll be."

"Undyne." Sans' tone suddenly went dark, his eye lights vanished to reveal a much more threatening aspect to the skeleton. He might of been casually sitting down in the comfort of his couch, but Sans was showing his aggression. "Don't test me. Gimme' back the little miss."

He outstretched a single hand in my direction, expecting the Monster to give in... but she just laughed at his attempt before turning on her heels and leaving the room in a sprint. Sans' anger was rolling off of him in waves, and I could almost feel the unstable energy that came from him. I knew that I was keeping him grounded after yesterday's incident, so he probably didn't appreciate this in the slightest.

Little Miss Informant (Mafia Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now