[Something Sweet]

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(Things are going to be getting pretty crazy here soon enough. Also, I noticed that I finally hit fifty subscribers?! That makes me so happy aha. <3 Thank you everyone for your support! Guess I'll have to do something extra special to celebrate... hmm... (Btw, I definitely didn't forgot to publish this yesterday.... >->) anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

The week has gone by with pretty much Sans here every single night. He'd have a few drinks, slip in some nicer comments that I assumed to be jokes... or maybe just the effects of him being intoxicated.

According to Grillby, that skeleton holds his liquor very well... so in his opinion, Sans was actually not speaking with some kind of drunken influence. Personally, I wasn't too certain.

Now in terms of sweets? He finally decided to bring me something that I was absolutely In love with after trying it for the first time. Toriel's butterscotch cinnamon pie... it was amazing. Had he given it to me sooner, then I might of accepted that one time date thing... under the promise that he'd get me more.

"It ain't no store bought gift, doll." I could remember him saying. The new nickname easily left him, smoothly spoken with his deep baritone voice. The way that he opened the bag showed what I believed to be a calm and cool exterior... he'd have anyone believe that he was indifferent.

"I asked you to pick me something up, Sans. I didn't specify to buy it at a store." I mused while crossing my arms. The skeleton in front of me paused to scratch at his collar bone in thought... most women wanted men to buy them something, only to value the price of said object. But when he thought back on that, he learned that I never mentioned no such thing. I just wanted something sweet.

I couldn't really determine his actual thoughts at that moment, but I felt that it was fairly self explanatory. He wasn't expecting that kind of honesty.

Yesterday was fairly strange for Sans as well. It wasn't so much his comments this round that threw me off, but the fact that Sans asked me to play the piano for him. The lighting was rather dim at that hour, and he had a shot glass in hand that he swayed back and fourth between his phalanges. After he finally payed up, I decided to give into his request a little... of course, the sound of the keys that I played brought Frisk into the bar. Sans was smoking a cigar at the time, and was leaning over my shoulder to stare at the movement of my fingers... he was about to say something, until Frisk took a seat next to me on the chair. "Aww, (Y/n)! You didn't tell me that you were gonna play this tonight! I thought you said that your hands hurt from moving all those boxes!"

I stopped playing at their words as Sans stared at me, suddenly realizing why I had seemed so reluctant to play. He didn't know what to say to me, and I didn't have much of an excuse for what Frisk had said either... so instead of an excuse, I decided to speak directly to Frisk. "Oh? You're right... they're still somewhat stiff."

Not much more was said that night...

Sighing as I closed my laptop, I knew all to well that we were opening today. Sans mentioned something about telling the Monsters not to bother me? Though, I doubted that they'd listen since they had a lot of reason to hate Humans. Not that I could blame them.

Once I put the laptop away, I decided to avoid putting on that dress Grillby gave me and instead opted to wear my vest, white shirt and black pants. I preferred that clothing, and since we weren't working at the bar for the first time... I felt that I deserved some kind of freedom to what I wore. Grillby always tried to remind me that my choice in clothing gave away my more... confusing traits. That it may shed some unexpected light on my upbringing- but honestly? I wasn't too worried. Figuring me out was like trying to understand magic, it was just too complicated.

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