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(I love how patient you guys are with me <3 I am thankful for that, honestly I am. I meant to do many updates to this story over the weekend, but sadly... I had something come up which was very irritating to me. Long story short? My family decided that I had to be more social. So they pretty much showed up at my house to patronize me. ALL. WEEKEND. Except, it is an all week event so it never actually ENDed. Sadly, some other people voiced their opinion of me during said time, stating that things I do on the internet are useless... I didn't handle it well. Regardless, I will try to ignore how it made me feel- I was able to somewhat snap out of it thanks to going through all of the comments that my lovely readers left for me... anyway... enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Everything became quiet. 

No one said anything since the silence was so thick that it could of been cut by a knife. Sans on the other hand glared at Snap from a distance, a cocky smirk plastered on his face to show that he wouldn't be backing down.

I could feel Sans' ribcage pressing into my back as he made sure to keep himself as close as possible. His chilling breath continued to brush up against the back of my neck, daring for me to shiver. "You're a smart guy, Snap. Do y'know what they call me?"

The Alpha narrowed his eyes into a sharp stare, he obviously knew the answer to this since he generally did his homework. "Indeed. They call you the Arbitrator. To judge whether someone is to live, or to die."

"Heh." Sans chuckled briefly, only for his grip to suddenly dig into my skin. Soon, he eased his hold and instead turned me around so that I was facing into his ribcage. I couldn't really move right now... and once he raised one of his hands to the back of my head, I was unable to return my stare. "Alright. So. You probably know what m'bout ta do then."

I couldn't see anything from my current position... but my eyes were wide to show my fear. I've always been the kind of person that was one step ahead. Though this time? Sans had basically left me behind. "Everythin' I do is calculated, pal. But... if I need to be a bit more harsh-"

Suddenly, I could feel his gaze on me. Sans' eye sockets were visibly narrowed at my shaking body. I didn't like where this was going, I felt threatened to say the least.  But-


Soon after, Sans moved his arm from my hair to around my back as his eye flared to life. "Hey... sweets. This is gonna hurt. A lot."

My (E/c) eyes looked up in panic... Sans flinched at how I stared at him, but it was only brief. His free hand that wasn't holding me in place removed my coat and undid the buttons to my waistcoat, followed by yanking my sleeve firmly to the side. I was fairly certain that it tore from the aggressive contact that he displayed.

Sans brought his hand to his smile that was usually cocky, but this time showed focus. He pulled off his glove with the use of his teeth before shoving it in his pocket. After the small piece of clothing was removed, he placed his phalanges against my cheek... ghosting over my (S/c) skin lovingly.

The touch was unexpected and made me feel nervous... yet relaxed at the same time. His flaring blue eye was almost hypnotic as his skull lowered into the crook of my neck. I felt... unaware to my surroundings.

"Time is up, little wolf."

That simple sentence that Snap stated brought me back to reality. Both of my hands pressed up against Sans' chest firmly, only to shove him back. He wasn't expecting my quick movement, and seemed to be in a bit of a daze as he stumbled away.

Little Miss Informant (Mafia Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now