[Buy Him Time]

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(Well, here is a third update for the day haha. I might even find the time to do a Fated chapter tomorrow. Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys this next page!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Well, Sans was really accurate when he stated my distaste for coffee. Thanks to how perceptive he is in his line of work, he probably notices a lot of things- meaning that I would always need to be a little ahead of him in some ways. 

Though speaking of being ahead- what was that skeleton planning? Why did he want me to buy him time? Sometimes, this line of work had a way at making me feel very nervous.

Shrugging it off as Grillby handed me his phone, I offered the fire Monster a bit of a smile that he could only return with a frown. I knew that he was always worried about me, especially since the situations that I tend to put myself in... or the ones that I am already involved in happen to be less than favorable.

Example? I work for the Mobsters as an informant. Choosing to save both Sans and Papyrus two years ago put me in a dangerous spot, which was caused by my choice to help out Paps with his assignment. 

Before I could leave the building, one of the dogs got up from their seat and come up behind me. I turned my head around slightly, only to see some white and black fur in my vision. The Monster had a blade hidden in his boot, and a concealed gun to his side from what I could see. "Can I assist you?"

"Nope. Sans' orders." He stated with a grunt. The dog didn't seem too keep on having to follow me around, so I simply rolled my eyes.

"How about I tell Sans that you did in fact escort me? That way, you can remain here within the comfort of your friends."

His eyes lit up slightly at the suggestion, causing me to grin a little. "No way, don't listen to that Human! Doggo, remember the last time that someone disobeyed Sans?"

The dog started to pale from the slightest mention of it... "B-but... this is just a Human. I doubt he'll care."

"You're right." I stated with a nod. Easily catching Grillby's glare, I could tell that the fire Monster wanted someone to bring me there and back. He didn't like the idea of losing me to something that could of been easily prevented. "There are many Humans in this world. I am easy to replace."

And with those spoken words, the Monster returned to his seat and let me leave. Besides, I could easily take care of myself. Sans wasn't an issue because he probably didn't care enough to involve himself- unless he was standing in front of Grillby or something.

Walking towards the coffee shop, I was glad that the rain had passed. People still walked down the streets with umbrellas in hand, but didn't bother to open them. Soon, it would probably be snowing. Pulling out Grillby's phone, I moved over to his texts in search of Sans' ID. And trust me, it didn't take me long to find it.

"Pay your tab." Yep, that is what Grillby named him in his phone. I almost wanted to laugh aloud... but probably not so much in public. Texting a message, I made sure to send him the heads up since I was almost at the shop. 'One hour Sans.-(Y/n)'

I knew that he'd get the message, and that he probably was already aware of the time... though I did want to alert him so that he'd know. Entering the coffee shop, I didn't bother to check my phone for a response... but... I was surprised to see more than just the American sitting at the table.

The investigator was there too.

I wanted to tell Sans about it, but I'd look too suspicious if I pulled out my phone right now. So instead, I casually strolled towards the two of them. After seeing them both, I knew that something was very wrong... 

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